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Old February 25th, 2017, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil View Post
Hades stared down at the five small bundles of fur that lay at his mate's belly. The egyptian mau felt....different. "They're perfect", Hades murmured into the angora's ear, licking it as well. Looking down, his gaze moved from one kit to another. One kit caught his attention, it looked like a miniature version of him. The thought nearly sent a shudder down his spine as he imagined another him walking around the camp. The secret was out. Everyone would know of the relationship that he and Illusion had. It wasn't too pleasing for him, but he would be able to put up with it. Although, at the same time, he felt joy. He would love these kits for as long as he was alive, and even longer. He'd probably love Illusion even longer. Hades had always thought that having Illusion was the all he needed. He thought she was the thing that made his life complete. He was wrong. Illusion had certainly filled up the majority of the big gaping hole in his heart, but these kits. These kits completed him and looking from his mate to his kits, he realised he now had something he had never had in his time in the Syndicate. A family.


[realizes mistake, two kits have Hades appearance, just a super light coloring x.x]
Illusion was looking between kits before a small purr erupted from her throat. "Okay, I'll name two and you'll name the other three since I did the hard part," she winked towards him, her blue depths teasing in the way they always were. Looking towards the kits again, she decided on naming the lighter-colored miniature version of him and the only tom they had. Bending her head down towards the little white tom, she licked the top his head and gave a small smile. "He will be known as Zodiac," she murmured just loud enough for Hades to hear. Moving her head to the next kit, the one that looked like a lighter mini copy her father, Illusion gave a small lick on top of her head and quickly thought of a name. "And she'll be known as Lilac," she spoke before turning to look at Hades for approval. She hoped he liked the names she picked.


The newly name Zodiac squirmed at his mother's stomach, squeaking in protest as a rough tongue ran over his soft head fur. The alabaster tom then nestled into his mother's fur and started suckling once more. I'm Zodiac, he thought to himself as he kneaded his mother's stomach. He drank the sweet liquid until he could no longer drink anymore. Soon afterwards the small kit was dozing into sleep letting the relaxation and calmness of the dream world consume his body.




Last edited by SuspiciousMindz; February 25th, 2017 at 01:52 PM.