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Old March 4th, 2017, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post

Aspenkit sat in the clearing. The silver and black tom's hues scanned it, though he seemed to have almost run out of energy. What was the reason for this sudden dip? Perhaps it was the fact that he was bored. This wasn't an often occurrence, and he wasn't quite sure for the reason, but he knew that he was officially and extremely... bored. I could really use some help figuring out what cats I would like to hang around now, the tom thought with a sigh. He was not yet an apprentice, so he would feel awkward finding a cat who was quite a bit older then him and asking them if they would like to play. And he was too old for the very young kits, though he wouldn't have minded a playmate of significantly younger age at that moment. Even an older playmate might have been nice.

That was, just until they decided that they got bored of him. That was the problem, the kink that Aspenkit had found when deciding to spend time with older cats...they tended to get bored of a mere kit pretty easily. He wasn't just some cat to be thrown away, he wanted them to accept him! It wasn't always that easy, though. Most of the time it was quite hard, as a matter of fact. Aspenkit wasn't quite sure why he bothered most of the time; did other cats simply not care that he was trying to help them feel better, that he was trying to be a friend to them? Well. There are always the cats who don't have many friends, who are more then grateful. He thought with a sigh. Aspenkit himself had quite a few friends, though he preferred to keep that knowledge to himself. Not everyone wanted to be friends with someone who already had a lot of friends...but Aspenkit wanted to be a friend to all, someone that any cat could come to and he would be there.
Ferretpaw wandered around the clearing, trying to keep away from all the bullies lurking around camp. She wanted friends. But it seemed to her that everyone she ever met had something against her even before they saw her. What did she do wrong? She was just a mere apprentice! She'd done nothing wrong.
Sliding under her little bush and into her nest there, she peered around camp. Her blue hues landed on a kit in the clearing. Or well, she didn't exactly know if he were a kit. He seemed near six moons at least. He were alone. That was odd. Not many others were alone. Ferretpaw always seemed to be, but to be honest, she'd gotten quite used to it by now. It was just the normal for her, and she expected nothing more. She loved spending time with Blazingstar, her mentor, but he were also one of the only cats who could bring happiness to her face.
Pondering wether or not to go over to the tom, she tilted her head and thought about last time a scene like this had happened. It had been Winterwisp who had sat nearby Ferretpaw's bush, and when Ferretpaw had made the slightest noise, Winterwisp had gone crazy at her. So for Ferretpaw, approaching this lonely tom didn't seem like a good idea. What if he went crazy on her too?
I concentrate mostly on WoW RP, so my replies here are quite slow and for that I apologize <3 I try to reply when I can, but it may take days or weeks, I am sorry.

I live in a completely different time zone than 90% of the people on here, as I'm in Denmark (Europe) compared to you Americans.
I usually have WoW events in the evenings where my creativity is the highest, which takes away time to reply here, hence the very slow replies.