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Old March 4th, 2017, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Spirit View Post
(Hah you got a few things wrong my friend :P First of all, her fur is usually ruffled, at least as much as a short haired cat can get her hair ruffled, and secondly, she's looking thin to the bones, but hey, let's look past these mistakes xD)

Ferretpaw gave a surprised squeal when Aspenkit poked his head into her bush. She hadn't seen that coming at all. This was -her- bush. No one had ever stepped inside it except herself. At least not after she had claimed it six moons ago.
'I won't hurt you'. That was new. Most new faces always started out doing exactly that. Hurt her. Even if it was just verbally, Blazingstar had made a point out of it technically being hurting someone.
Taking a deep breath, the young apprentice stepped out of the bush and faced the younger tom. She hadn't seen him around much. Or wait.. Had she? She hadn't spend much time in the nursery in her kithood, but she thougt she could recognize the fur a bit. However, no name seemed to pop into her head.
To his question, she peered over her shoulder to her bush for a short moment, before facing him again. "Umm.. Relaxing?" She said.
Her guards were up. It might not be noticable, but all her muscles were ready to jump and run, should anything bad happen. Always ready to jump and run. For that, she were called a coward by many.

{Oops XD}
The grey and black tom cocked his head to the side as the older cat slowly made her way out of the bush. She looked, well...terrified. Like there was something seriously bad going on in her life. Maybe she just needs a friend. Anyone who looks that scared must need one. he thought, turning his head to the other side. The tom cleared his throat and curled his tail around his paws, trying to sit up so that he would look taller. He was quite tall for his age already, and was even taller then the other apprentice-- though, if he were being honest, that wasn't saying too much. She wasn't the biggest cat, but Aspenkit had learned to appreciate that good things came in small packages. And besides, now he could spend the day with this older female. Looks like his boredom was cured. "Oh, I see. That looks like a relaxing place to be. Maybe I'll stop by sometime when you're not using it, okay with you?" He asked, peering into the bush again. He hadn't been completely truthful with his statement. The bush looked like a less relaxing place to be-- but perhaps that was just because the tom didn't like small spaces. And it wasn't the largest bush he had ever seen. "I'm Aspenkit, by the way. Sorry-- I don't recognize you, what's your name?" He asked with a large, friendly smile. He was trying to attempt to make friends with the she cat, sort of ease her out of her shell...though by the looks of things, it looked like that would take a while. Now that the tom could see better, he noticed that the she cat did look quite similar to a loner...which was an awkward situation, considering he had thought she looked much sturdier in the bush. Now she looked as though she might break if he touched her.

Guess I'll have to be careful not to touch her, then, Aspenkit thought somewhat wistfully.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.