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Old March 4th, 2017, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
A slightly sympathetic look came over Obsidiansky's features. He felt bad-- it was obvious that this cat, whoever she might be, had been expecting something completely different. Instead she was being harassed by the hostile deputy, and now being told that her friend-- or family member-- was gone. "She led us well. But there-- there was a fire here, and then...and then another cat took over. H-he got rid of Dapplestar, I don't know what he did with her... but she returned for a little while after he was overthrown by S-SkyClan...they're a new Clan that we just recently found out existed, heh...and then she was gone. She appointed Blazingstorm-- Blazingstar now-- as her deputy, and then she left, and he chose Shrikecall." That was a short explanation of what had happened, but it was the best that Obsidiansky could do at the moment. With Shrikecall staring at the cats as though he would like to kill them, or at least get rid of them, and them looking back at him with such confusion, he knew there was no way that he had time to explain everything. He glanced hopefully at the cats, wondering if they understood any of what he had said. He doubted was too confusing to take in like that all at once. Everything was so mixed up and confused nowadays, it was hard to tell who was telling the truth and who was lying.

Shrikecall watched Infernosky with a curious, then deadly expression as she spoke. He had never heard of either of those cats, and he was beginning to think that she was ranting names out now, hoping to get into their Clan. Who wouldn't? The safety and protection that a Clan offered was special, and not to be given away to every cat who came asking for it. "I've never met any cat by that name. Now get out of here before you force me to take harsher measures. I do not wish to hurt you if I don't have to." He snapped. Shrikecall wasn't a heartless cat. He knew that this cat must have some connection to Dapplestar, but as she had no proof...and as Dapplestar was gone anyways...he guessed that they had no business here. Unless they wanted to ask Blazingstar about Twilight-something and Swallow-something, they needed to leave. There was no way that he was going to allow these strangers to get in his way and endanger the Clan. The red furred one obviously had some leaderlike tendencies, but if she had belonged to WindClan before, why had she left? And why was she returning now, right after Singenight had been defeated and the Clan was getting back to normal again? This couldn't be a coincidence. Now, even if they could provide him with significant proof, he wasn't sure he would let them in.

"Listen, why don't I take them aside and explain? They deserve to know what happened to Dapplestar at least, and I can't tell them everything within a few minutes," Obsidiansky mewed, looking anxiously at the Deputy. He knew better then to cross the tom, but these cats should know.
"Absolutely not. You can tell them here and now. I will return in a short amount of time to make sure you followed my orders." Shrikecall snapped back, glaring at the younger warrior. What did this young warrior know about running a Clan? About keeping a Clan safe? Nothing, that was what. Shrikecall knew what he had to do to keep WindClan safe, and Obsidiansky was acting like it was no big deal, like these cats were absolutely no threat to them at all.
"It's my responsibility. I promise I'll keep an eye on them." Obsidiansky mewed, glancing over at the cats with a curious expression and a half- hopeful one. He wanted to explain. Somehow, he knew they weren't here to hurt WindClan...they were here on perfectly innocent business.
"One wrong move, and you're all in trouble. Don't leave them alone for a minute. Understood?" Shrikecall asked after a while. Perhaps he was being unreasonable. And if this younger cat wanted to take on the be it. He could do that if he liked, but Shrikecall knew that something bad would happen and when it did, Obsidiansky would be the one to blame.

"Great. You won't regret this." Obsidiansky mewed, smiling at the Deputy before Shrikecall backed up and allowed him to pass through to the other cats. "Follow me. I suppose we owe you an explanation..." He mewed, glancing back at the cats who were standing at the entrance to the territory.

Infernosky's auds fell flat against her cranium when she listened to the cat that accompanied the deputy explain what she'd missed. All of that information didn't quite make sense to her, but what troubled her most was the fact that Dapplestar was missing, not dead. The red tabby wasn't sure what would have comforted her mind more; knowing that she was dead and not suffering, or the fact that she could be alive out there somewhere, hurt, or in danger....or she could be alive, free, and fine. Not knowing which option was the truth nearly drove her mad inside.

Meanwhile, behind Infernosky, Russel and Jitterbug wore blank expressions in response to Obsidiansky's story. The Chartreux avoided everyone's eyes awkwardly, and Jitterbug had her paws held up infront of her muzzle, counting her toes as if she were trying to organize the information in her head.

Infernosky's response to Shriketail's dismissal to the names she offered and her acceptance into Windclan was met with a level bitterness the former deputy had only used when she was thoroughly upset. Her long-furred banner was lashing wildly behind her now, and she placed one paw step ahead of her in a challenging stance. She clearly was not going to move without a fight.
"I would hate to bring you to harsher measures," There was a small hint of cockiness in her voice, "but if you don't take me to this 'Blazingstar' or take me to some cat that knows me and get some sense into your thick head...I'm afraid I won't be the only one getting hurt."

At this point, Russel took a step into the conversation and mewed a warning to Infernosky, "I thought we decided violence wasn't part of the plan..."
His attention then turned to Obsidiansky, who offered to give them a better explanation and to take the wheel on the situation. Russel liked this cat; much like himself, he found virtue in finding compromises and peaceful negotiations. The Chartreux nodded in agreement, "Wonderful idea. I know I need a better explanation, especially since I don't have a clue who any of these names are...aside form what Infernosky has told us, of course."

As Shrikecall turned to leave, Infernosky was bristling. "Ask anybody if they know me! There has to be somebody..." she was calling after his turned head, "I want to speak to Blazingstar, too. And-"
She fell silent when Russel placed his thick furry fore arm and shoulder infront of her. Deep blue eyes sincerely looking into her firey greens, he told her to give it up. Put in check, Infernosky paused, sighed, and forced herself to regain her composure. This was a nightmare. She wished she could just claw her ear and wake up, back in the warriors den, when her whole abduction by loners and trapped in twoleg cages in the 'city' was all just a dream. Maybe Russel was right; she just needed to check herself, and take a step back to process everything. Had she been a fool to believe that everything would be as it used to be when she finally came all this way back? Was it all in vain?

As if to read her mind, Russel stood by her side to lead her in Obsidiansky's direction and said, "Maybe this cat has answers for you."
Infernosky was rarely openly vulnerable in anyone's presence, Russel being the only exception. She burried her face in Russel's mane-like neck fur for a few long seconds.
"It's okay," The big grey tom murmured, "Me n' Jitter are your family too."

Infernosky took a deep breath, pulled away and nodded. This is not the time to grieve... The red tabby thought to herself. She forced herself to keep her head high, and grudgingly looked to the friendly cat to lead them to an explanation of everything she had missed.

"So...what's your name anyway?" Jitterbug piped up after the awkward exchange of bitter emotions. Jitter was about the age of middle aged apprentice, and she wasn't too fond of serious emotions. She bounded up next to Obsidiansky with large, youthful, and bi-colored eyes, one grass green, and one morning sky blue. "I'm Jitterbug. Wanna know why? Because I get the jitters sometimes." Her tone was peppy and rather oblivious to the true meaning of the name. Behind her, Russel's eyebrows furrowed into a look of pity.