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Old March 8th, 2017, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose View Post
Tigerpaw snickered, ''I can imagine you as being daring and competitive.'' He stared into her eyes. It was easy for him to be comfortable around the female. And, he was comfortable with staying out late and talking to her all night, if that chance came. ''This is my first time sneaking out, of camp, I mean.'' He mewed, and soaked in a lot of pride. ''I'll do it more often if it means I get to see you.'' He then entered into a playful bow as he looked up at her. For some odd reason he wanted to tackle this female's competitive side. Though he'd have to calm his easily tempered self. Since he was a tom. He didn't like to lose. He shook this thought aside and said, ''Competitive you say? What type of competitions you part take in?'' He tilted his head.

Tigerpaw the rolled onto his back, staring up at the female. His paws dangled above him, and he stared at Desertpaw with an intensity of interest that he hardly ever used around any other female. He let out a low laugh, ''I flatter you? I suppose I'm doing my job right.'' He snorted playfully and said. ''And, besides. I was merely curious. I wasn't jealous of...''He squinted his eyes. ''What's his name again?...Nightpaw?...'' He started to laugh. ''I have nothing to be worried about. If he makes you happy, then I'm happy for you.'' He mewed, but he knew deep down how hard that was to say, but he wouldn't focus much on it.

Tigerpaw felt a bit of confidence was over him at the mention that she might not like him. ''Hmmm...'' He thought allowed, but quickly shut his mouth before he said something out of line. He didn't want the female to leave him. Not while he was seriously enjoying her company. ''You seem to be flirty as well...your purring is really cute.'' He flickered his ears, and turned to lay on his stomach. ''And, um, yeah. I have other cats I talk to, but I only really talk to Fairypaw. We did meet a new friend, but I don't think she liked me anymore...''He trailed off, swallowing a lump in his throat. ''I overreacted on this little game we were playing, and I said something out of line to her. I didn't mean to,'' He shook his head rapidly. ''But, I did hurt her, and once I'm ready to go back. I will be apologizing to her. I want to be friends. I would like to get to know her more.'' From then on his mind lingered to Stormpaw. And he wondered what the Silver tabby was doing. Was she still with Fairypaw? Were they still at the apprentices' den? Or were they out walking about? Tigerpaw was angry at himself for upsetting the she-cat when he only wanted to be her friend. Yet, he allowed his competitive ego to take a hold of him. After a moment of silence, Tigerpaw stared at the pretty feline in front of him again. ''How about you? Other than, um, you have any other friends?''
The she-cat perked her ears forward at the tom. "Hmm, I try not to flirt, but I guess it comes out sometimes," she admitted. "And mostly anything hunting, fighting all of those things..." she stated. "And are you sure you are not jealous?" she teased as she twisted her body around and got on top of him her paws on either side of his head. She looks down upon him and tilted her head chuckling, "Yes, his name is Nightpaw, and no... not really. He is all I have or had... I have you now," she purred as she looked into his orbs. She felt her pelt turning hot, and she flattened her ears against her head embarrassed.

The she-cat then frowned at his next statement. "Do you care for her? Your new friend?" she asked in a disappointed tone, but she tried not to show it as she looked away from him and at a bush that was sprinkled with snow. She then turned back to Tigerpaw at him explaining. "That is why you ran out here isn't it?" she asked. "We all have our flaws, and if she really wants to be your friend, then she will forgive you... I know I would. You seem sincere about it," she said plainly.

The female smiled for a split second at him saying he would come out here for her, then it left as he said when he had to go back. "You can leave you know," she said as she frowned and there was longing in her tone for him not to leave. She liked to talk to him. She also felt something within her... but she was trying to push it away. "And thanks... but I don't want you to get into trouble for meeting me," she mewed as she stared down upon him. She was still on top of him and had forgotten.

I shall be gone from Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon for vacation... but I may get on every now and then if I spare time...
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