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Old March 8th, 2017, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose View Post
Tigerpaw snorted. ''I'm surprised you only have two. It seemed like you would be most popular.'' He was a bit startled and surprised that she had jumped on him, and he felt his muscles tensed. No female, other than Stormpaw and Fairypaw had pinned him. Yet, it was all out of play, and they instantly got off. With Desertpaw, she lingered there, and Tigerpaw felt glued to his spot. He had to swallow a lump in his throat to continue. ''And, of course I'm not jealous!'' He used one of his paws to gently flicker one of Desertpaw's out turned ears.

''After all, you don't seem to like him,'' He stated, confidently. ''I have nothing to worry about.'' But, he did have things to worry about. What's going to happen once they become warriors? Once they have to bid to the warrior code, and be loyal only to their clan? Tigerpaw didn't only want for this to be for a season. He cherished the feline in such a short amount of time, hanging onto her every word, but with her still on top of him, he couldn't focus. Her soft pelt was literally brushing against his. Had she noticed?

''I, um, I'm starting to care for her.'' The tiger-striped tom replied. ''She's not bad. She was pretty shy when we first met her, but that she-cat is feisty.'' And, strong too. He inwardly rolled his eyes. ''Yeah...I was frustrated because she pinned me down in such a quick motion! I didn't react quickly in competitive side got a hold of me.'' He smirked up at her, ''For you not to be jealous, you sure are asking a lot of questions about her.''

Tigerpaw smiled and nodded at her. ''She seems to be the forgiving type, but...I would understand if she doesn't. I was pretty stuck-up.'' He says, and remains quiet for a while. When he heard Desertpaw talking---more like rambling again to him, he smirked up at her once again. One thing he did learn, even if he was pounced on first, he learned the power of the hind legs. And in one swift move, he used his hind legs to flip the both of them over, so that he was on top of her. His paws laid gently on both sides of her head, and he leaned down as close as he could get. ''I will go back when I'm ready.'' He smiled down at her. ''I like being here with you. It feels nice getting to know another she-cat other than the ones in your clan. You intrigue me, honestly.'' His tail flickered behind him, and he lingered there longer just staring into her eyes. He would had stayed there longer if given the choice, but to avoid her becoming uncomfortable he hopped off her, and awaited for her to get up. ''I wish there was someway we could hang out without having to come to the border. What if we get caught?'' His ears flattened. He could take the trouble. He didn't mind using his smart replies, but he didn't want Desertpaw to get in trouble. Even though she seemed like she could stand her own problems. He cared...probably too much for his own good. Deep down this pleased him, and he hoped it would last. However, if it didn't, he would cherish the moments he had with her now.
Desertpaw made a grunting noise at this. Not in anger or annoyance more like in a joking manner. Then the apprentice flattened her ears. 'Did he like this Stormpaw?' she asked herself as she craned her neck down. Then she was rolled over by the tom. She looked up at him and she felt as if she were in another world. She could feel her heart beat speed up and her mind only trying to read Tigerpaw's. Then when he got off she felt a pang again for longing to be next to him. "Oh..." she sighed. "Do you like like her?" she asked crouching back a bit. "Sorry... I am getting to personal," she mewed. "I tend to get nosy," she admitted.

She then perked her ears forward. "Maybe I just like to ask questions," she said staring at the male. She took in every detail of his coat pattern, moves, eyes everything. "Ah, I understand... sometimes I get angry to easily and lash out. I have gotten better... but ya know," she shrugged as she sat down. The female then felt her pelt begin to grow hot again. "I like to be here with you too Tigerpaw," she blurted out. "You are interesting as well... in a good way of coarse. I like you... it I meant it... your personality," she winced at her 'mistake'. "Sorry... I sometimes mix up words," she said chuckling trying to shrug it off.

Desertpaw frowned, "Then we will just have to keep it a secret," she purred as she padded over and licked his shoulder trying to comfort him. "And if we do get caught... then I don't know. We will decide what to do by then," she said. "If you still want to see me by the time we are warriors, then you may, but if you don't..." she sighed and lowered her ears, "then I will not force you. I don't want to make you do something you do not want to do," she mewed. "But I will always want to see you again," she mewed tilting her head and searching for some facial expression on the tom's face. 'Had she messed up? Will he be scared of her now and leave?' she thought. The she-cat didn't want him to leave... no... she wanted him to stay. Even if they were there all night, she wanted him to stay.

I shall be gone from Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon for vacation... but I may get on every now and then if I spare time...
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