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Old November 5th, 2016, 05:44 AM
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Sage Sage is offline
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Default Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

(( Yep, they are born. Also, can we do a time-skip to three moons old? ))

Haiku could feel his siblings wiggling around him. Zia pushed past him and stole his spot. Haiku started to growl softly, but felt a tail start to guide him to another nursing spot. As he began to suckle again, all he could think about was eating.

Sobek watched her kits with a loving gaze filling her amber eyes. Her first litter. But. The father was Bleddyn. She winced and snuck a glance at Lillith. She quickly looked away and shook herself. She turned back to her kits and began to groom each one.

" he smiled for the first time in a while
and it was like the whole room
lit up for just that moment . . . "

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