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Old March 11th, 2017, 11:16 AM
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ChameweonRainbow ChameweonRainbow is offline
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Default Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Jaymist/Ravenkit View Post
Death bounded in. The tom smelled a rabbit. "Shhh. . ,Get into this crouch. When you do, make sure your tail doesnt touch the ground. When you see your prey, Run after it and chase it. But make sure its not near its hole. " He said
The Grey Egyptian Mau got into a stalking position and crept slowly closer; his small paws gently avoiding crunchy leaves. Needle kept the rabbit in his sights. His bright green eyes glued to his target. His mind began to warp and his insane cheshire grin grew across his maw. Creeping around he got into an area from which he could run it away from its burrow. Bunching up his muscles prepared to sprint. With a burst of speed, he tore after the rabbit. The speedy rabbit quickly started to make a frenzied dash, but being an Egyptian Mau had its perks. Needle was definitely faster and agiler than his prey. He quickly caught up to the terrified rabbit and tackled it to the ground claws and teeth ready to kill. He pinned the terrified prey to the cold earth but didn't kill it. "No, not yet." He thought. Needle's mind was cracked and deep-seated horrors began to surface from his brain. He then slowly began to dig his claws into its soft fur all the while beginning to giggle under his breath. As the rabbit began to squirm Needle began to cackle loudly. Terrible memories from his kit-hood swarmed his vision and he thought about how to kill this rabbit, but to him, he didn't see a rabbit before his crazed eyes, he only saw the cat from his past responsible for torturing him. "I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do!" He screeched, laughing manically.
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Last edited by ChameweonRainbow; March 11th, 2017 at 02:50 PM.