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Old March 14th, 2017, 11:38 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

@Lost Illusion
Tawnypaw slipped out of camp, her fur bristling and amber eyes dark. In the half-light, her fur looked almost black, making her seem almost like a younger copy of her mother. Her tail was low, and as she slunk between the tall pines, snow crunching under her paws, she wondered if that was all her Clanmates saw her as; a copy of her mother. If so, she felt a twinge of pride deep in her heart. If that's what they saw, then that's what she'd be. Lashing her tail in satisfaction, the newly made apprentice looked around.

The forest was a bit different than she'd imagined. It was dark and cold, and the ground was springy and almost moist despite the temperature. Above her, dark trees, thick with long claw-like needles that gave everything a hazy appearance. But it was also quiet except for the occasional caw of a crow that pierced the air, sending a ripple across her pelt. Tawnypaw blinked, adjusting to the dim hues. The camp had been well shadowed, but also lighter. The one thing iit lacked was the feeling that she belonged. Here, it was cool and peaceful, and she could be alone with her thoughts.

Sighing, the dark brown tabby stopped, looking over her shoulder. She had the nagging sensation of not being alone, and she parted her jaws, breathing iin the thick smells of the forest. She could almost only smell sap and pine needles, but hidden among those, she could detect the faint smells of another cat. It smelled ShadowClan, but still, she lowered her body, slinking as quietly as possible through the trees, searching for the cat.
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