Thread: Thunderglade
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Old March 15th, 2017, 11:17 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan | WindClan Border

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
Well that was a change of heart. Singe thought carefully. This was the same cat who had just been hostile towards him. What did he man by a deal anyways? Singe sighed. "I'm not here to negotiate you little warrior. But I shall listen, though don't get hopeful. I wasn't even spying on your clan on first intent. I'm just trying to work my way back to my home after I was kicked out of my first one." He growled slightly. Not the approach he had wanted, but this tom was starting to get on his bad side. Getting in his bad side meant a temper. A temper, meant claws and teeth and fighting. Luckily he wasn't at the e yet, so he still had some chance of trying to stay calm. He just needed to keep his temper under control. Which was something he had a hard time doing.
Quietstream grinned and mewed "I need you to protect my little ravenstorm in deal for training with you and joining you." His eyes glistened with mischief and evilness. He continued circling him, making sure he couldn't attack him even if he tried. He kept sheathing and unsheathing his claws from time to time. He sighed and eventually stopped circling him, but sitting down close to him.
Whoever is reading this you deserve all the love and support from everyone. If youre ever sad you dont deserve to be sad. ILY!!
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