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Old March 17th, 2017, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Training Plateu

Originally Posted by NoireRose View Post

Azulpaw stood frozen to his spot. He wondered whatever Alabasterpaw was going to do, but thought nothing of it. He only tagged along to see Asterpaw...still being extremely friendly with his best friend. Not that it mattered, he tried to make himself believe. Then again, the words Alabasterpaw had said about Asterpaw bothered him to no end. He thought it was rather rude that she would even think of her sister--who accepted her in every flawed way--in that way. It was truly bothersome. It was different for Bluepaw. Azulpaw was known for insulting the tom a lot. After all, they grew up as brothers. It was what they did. But even he knew that behind--beyond that tough, bricked, cemented exterior was a sweet, compassionate, sarcastic she-cat that deserved the best. And, even beyond the best. "Heh, she sure is something special." The grey tom muttered, but was stopped when Alabasterpaw wanted to say something to her darling sister. Azulpaw stayed put. He didn't know where his role took place so he only shifted on his paws. He looked up once to see a friendly looking Bluepaw, but the next thing he knew was that everything went black. He suddenly found himself being pushed over and knocked down. When the object quickly jumped off him, he felt his movements stagger. He sat up, but instantly fell down again from the jolt of pain.

"That was your plan!" He shouted in the distance at the female who ran off. "Ah!" He slowly stood up, leaning more onto his side with less pain. Turning back to an awkward looking Asterpaw, Azulpaw smirked. "How much do you weigh?" He teased lightly, panting a bit. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable but yet, they all were uncomfortable. At that moment Azulpaw wanted to follow after the white feline and pin her up towards something. If that was her lousy plan he would had stayed put! He already had a lot of pain inflicted on him.

And, if that wasn't good enough, Bluepaw made his appearance, concern filling his expressions and his voice. He immediately came over Asterpaw's side, checking her for any bruises. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Azulpaw snorted. "Right. Because she was the one limping all day and felt that force of impact." He replied dully.

"It's called being a gentleman." Bluepaw smiled, smugly.

Azulpaw rolled his eyes. "It's called being a stuck up." The grey apprentice decided to try to get up once again, putting pressure into the paw that wasn't hurt. He stared daggers at the tom he called a friend, as he made sure the female was alright. "I was almost killed twice today! Why won't Starclan just put me out my misery."

Before Azulpaw could pad away, Bluepaw called to him. He quickly nosed Asterpaw, and padded after Azulpaw. They were still remarkably close to the blue she-cat. Azulpaw wanted to be anywhere but there. He was not brave enough to withstand talking to her. He couldn't even look her straight in the face, without feeling himself wanting to break.

And, she was all Bluepaw's so why couldn't the piebald cat leave him be?

"Yes, friend?" Azulpaw asked, a taint of annoyance hidden in his voice.

"I sensed some...jealousy." Bluepaw put his snout in the air. "It's not a pretty look on you."

"Jealousy?" The grey tom's voice was light and airy, in a laughing like manner. "Jealousy and I don't get along, so I don't bother it."

"Are you sure?" Bluepaw flickered his tail towards the blue cat he claimed to love. "I see something happened between the two of you." He gave her a gentle look before his eyes hardened when they landed on Azulpaw.

"There is always something happening between the two of us. Why do you care?" Azulpaw's tone was uncaring, and all he wished to do was leave.

Bluepaw lowly whispered. His voice becoming menacing as he spoke. Azulpaw flickered his ears at him, an unpleasant feeling washed upon him. "Just note...if I ever see you being inappropriate with her...I will not be afraid to hurt you more than you already is. I'll break you." The tom threatened, lashing his tail in aggressive state.

Azulpaw wondered however did his friend began acting like this? He never once threatened him in his life...especially over some she-cat. But, he knew how scary the blue-eyed tom could be, so he only nodded. He flashed a hurt look towards Asterpaw. "...I guess you're going to have to tear off every piece of limb off my body, and then make sure I'm dead if you ever want me to Asterpaw alone."

"That can be arranged." The other tom threatened. It had to be some new cat that was provoking Bluepaw to act in such a manner. The once friendly, generous cat was acting sinister. And it was constantly because of some she-cat.

Azulpaw wanted to stand taller, but he couldn't. His paws were dangerously tired, and he was too tired to fight at the moment. He warned Asterpaw, but she didn't listen. She never listened to him!

He was weakened now, but he wouldn't give up. He was Azulpaw for starclan's sake! He didn't give up without a fight.

Azulpaw only stared at the two, his expression was soft when he stared at Asterpaw as if he was hoping she would forgive him silently. He longed to talk to her, to be next to her, to feel her. He gave her a ghost of a smile, remembering what she had said. Maybe, I like Pompous jerks. And with that ringing in his mind, he turned to limp away.

The she cat stood there awkwardly. And looked down at her paws. She had half-been expecting something rude to come from his maw, but he was yelling at-- Alabasterpaw? What was she doing? What did he mean, plan? Was this something all three of them had decided on? Of course it was. She was always the odd one out. And yet he was an awfully good actor-- still, she decided on the former rather then the latter just in case it were true. She didn't want to be headed for heartbreak. "I'm sorry-- Alli-- sort of does what she-- wants. She likes to-- play these kind of-- games." Asterpaw's speech was halting and nervous as she searched the tom's face. She felt horrible. And she had absolutely, positively, no idea what to do. She wanted to help-- and yet she had no idea what to do, and what if they were playing games with her? Asterpaw was sick and tired of games, and this tom was giving them to her constantly. Asterpaw felt tears spring to her hues and she looked away from him. If he were teasing her, this wasn't funny-- it wasn't a game to her-- what did he want from her? What did Alabasterpaw want from her?
"Me? Oh, I'm as light as a feather-- heh, that's a new low, getting knocked over by a feather." Asterpaw joked weakly, although she still looked as though she wanted to cry. She felt terrible for knocking him over-- it was obvious she had hurt him, and that had never been her goal. "I'm sorry. Can I-- let me-- here, just put your weight on me." She mewed again, and for a moment she bore the same resemblance to Alabasterpaw as she had before as she moved over towards him in order for the tom to be able to put his weight on her. It seemed like the right thing to do. She watched as Bluepaw came over, her expression calm and unworried. She wasn't quite sure what she thought of the overprotective tom. First with Alabasterpaw, and now with her... and she was angry with him for it. She didn't belong to him. She wasn't just going to 'give herself away.' Especially to this tom.
"I'm fine. Why don't you check on your friend, the actually hurt one." She mewed, giving him a quick nudge just in case Alabasterpaw was watching, followed by a friendly smile before she sighed, hearing their argument. She didn't know what to do. And she was extraordinarily annoyed with Bluepaw, not only because he was being so protective but because he was just there-- always there. Always keeping an eye on her. And she didn't know why-- she didn't like it, and she didn't want him to be around. She headed back towards where she had last seen Alabasterpaw, and the white feline was lounging under a tree, glancing up at the sky. When she saw the blue she cat coming, she smiled.
"Enjoy your little moment, dear?"
"Why would you do something like that? What are you trying to do, make things worse?"
"Oh dear me, Ast. You had the nerve to call him blind, and yet you're missing quite a few things yourself!"
"What are you talking about."
"Tsk tsk, dear. I'll leave you to figure it out on your own. In the meantime, I have a grumpy apprentice to catch-- and you have a broken hearted apprentice to cheer up. Toodles!"
She purred, before slipping away like a white shadow, disappearing once more and leaving Asterpaw to wonder what she had meant. It annoyed her that she had been so close to-- well, not really being friends, but at least having an understanding-- with Azulpaw, and now it was gone. She was going to have to be with Bluepaw, he was the only cat who wanted her as she was. The only cat who would understand her as she was.
She padded back towards Bluepaw, just in time to see Azulpaw walking away-- and her heart gave the smallest of jumps. "Azulpaw, wai-" She began, and then stopped. No-- she didn't want to tear the rift even more, and she felt even worse then before. She felt as low as she could get. She turned and padded over towards Bluepaw, giving him a halfhearted smile as she nudged him lightly with her silkier blue pelt. "What were you guys talking about?" She asked in the most innocent voice she could muster.
Alabasterpaw caught up with the other apprentice, her blue hues twinkling like sapphires-- devilish ones at that-- and she smirked. "Quite the heated conversation with your dear, dear friend, I see. Fighting over Ast now, are you? Good grief, she's not worth it." She snapped in exasperation. All her frustration at being 'second place' poured out, and she was angry that Asterpaw didn't even have the sense to revel in it. Oh no, she was annoyed by it. Had it been Alabasterpaw, she would have known exactly what to do. But Asterpaw was confused, and lost... in other words, she just didn't deserve it.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.