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Old March 17th, 2017, 08:24 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: Lion Guard RP (OCs only!)

Originally Posted by Shadomaru View Post
Name: King Maji
Age: 46 moons
Gender male
Perso Is kind and open minded, but will be strict when he needs to
Have you watched Lion King/Lion Guard? yes
What's the leader's name in Lion Guard? Kion...duh
RP sample The golden-eyed girl stared hard at the wolf, his eyes dark, shadowed. She looked back at a whimpering brother then turned to her dead parents. Murdered in front of her, and it looked like they were next. Not on my watch… she thought and growled before bolting past the wolf, and the wolf followed. Good. She heard her brother call after her but then stopped like he knew.

The pup ran, her small breaths froze and frosted on her golden pelt. The wolf gained on her ad she looked everywhere for an escape. She finally found one. She ran and jumped into a log, and, like she planned, the wolf jumped after her, but got his head stuck in the log. She bolted out the other end.
Is this good, this is just what was on my mind atm

Role king
Questions/other Lion Guard isn't my favorite. But it is a good show
Eyyy Maji
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