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Old March 19th, 2017, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody View Post
Splashheart grinned once he reached her, reaching up to press her head against his with a loud purr. "I love you." She whispered with as mile. She let him take the vole and immediately lowered her head, taking a bite of the fish at her paws, relieved to have something on her stomach now. Gulping down a few bites and licking her lips, she looked up every once in a while to watch her mate eat.

A smile twitched at her lips, and the purr in her chest grew stronger. She took another bite and swallowed, closing her eyes briefly. This would be perfect, she was certain. And she was completely grateful to have her siblings support. Though even if she hadnt, she would have gone anyway. She was pregnant for StarClan's sake, her kits needed to be with both their parents. Though even before she told them she was expecting they were still supportive of her decision. All but Roarclaw, though in the end he gave up attempting to run off to kill Mixedfur long enough to give Splashheart 'permission'.

She found herself grinning, finishing off the rest of the fish and sitting up. Her smile widened as she looked at her mate. "I am excited," She said, then giggled."They took it...Surprisingly well. Foxthorn was a little upset, but once I told him that we'd see eachother at gatherings and across the border he cheered up. Honeyfur told me I was crazy then said if I didnt come visit her every day she'd slap me and you both, Roarclaw...Well he wanted to kill you but once he was done raging he told me to yowl his name if I ever needed anything." She giggled. "Snowsong was the most supportive. And she told me that i'd better bring her nieces and nephews to visit when they were old enough. And then they all told me they loved me and called me an otter-cat." She laughed.

Her blue eyes were shining as she looked at her mate, grinning happily. "And that was about it. You might wanna watch out while you're patrolling though, because Roarclaw might be near." She added jokingly, a grin on her face.
‘’Wow.’’ Mixedfur laughed and shuddered at the same time. ‘’Your family sounds very welcoming.’’ He joked, and flicked her with his tail, gently. He wished he could had met them, to prove that he wasn’t that bad. Sure, he was a riverclan cat, but they weren’t truly bad predators. And, he thought the same about thunderclan cat until he met Splashheart, so he knew they had their worries, but he was happy that they were supportive of her.

He thought about what his parents would had said if the situation was reversed. His dad would most likely unclaim him as a son, and his mother would be fearful. She would care, but she wouldn’t show it. After all, who was she to blame? Didn’t she leave his dad for a shadowclan warrior anyway? Her opinion certainly didn’t matter.

‘’I think it’s great that they’re being supportive of your decision.’’ He sat beside her, emitting out a purr. He allowed his tail to wrap around her protectively and gently. ‘’But I don’t think Roarclaw, you say? I don’t think he should want to fight me. I mean...his nieces and nephews would grow up without a dad. And, we wouldn’t want that, now would we?’’ He looked down at her as he gave her the most gentle of stares he perfected.

A gleam was in his eyes, as he said, ‘’I’m excited too! I can’t wait to go back to riverclan and be with you anytime I’d like.’’ He purred once more and rubbed his cheek against hers. His eyes closed, and the only thing that could be heard was his loud, rumbling purr. ‘’When do you think you’d be ready to actually come?’’ He unwrapped himself slowly from her, not wanting to, but he didn’t want to smother her immensely where she would get uncomfortable with his constant touching. It happened with his mother and father before, which was why she left him in the first place. His father was a very affectionate tom, and his mother loved the attention, but thought he was too clingy. Mixedfur didn’t want to repeat that part of history with his new mate. Ever.

Splashheart was different though. Maybe she would enjoy the constant affectionate, or the clingyness. Mixedfur was never that clingy anyway. Of course, he would rub himself against her to get her attention, or he would pester her with silly questions, or he would even do anything to be near her. But clingy? No way was he… clingy.

‘’You have...a lot of siblings.’’ He chuckled. ‘’Too many that I forgot half of their names.’’ He joked. ‘’But, I’ll be sure to remember this Roarclaw. He sounded dangerous. I wouldn’t want our kits to be around a dangerous cat. Even if it were their uncle.’’ He joked once again, finding the idea crazy.

Family was important to Mixedfur, and he was happy that her siblings would like to be apart of the kittens lives. It made him purr, especially since he had no other family. He sure was glad to have Splashheart. And, the crazy mix of her family that he hadn’t met yet.

Mixedfur approached her once more, gently rubbing his body against hers in a soft way. Why couldn’t he ever keep his distance away from the she-cat? What was she doing to him that made him act in such a way? He gave a purr once again, and he sat down beside her, his tail searching hers to intertwine with. ‘’Now, look at us. Soon enough our little Mixedhearts will be running around and annoying the living daylights out of everyone. It will be the best day that I’m looking forward to.’’ His eyes shone bright with pride and hope.
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