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Old March 21st, 2017, 12:37 AM
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Brilliance Brilliance is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

A small she-cat laid on her belly, looking into the distance. She stared at the other cats that walked past her, without giving her glance. Granted, some did. They were friendly, and they wished her a good day. She lounged around. The day seemed normal to her. Nothing exciting was happening. She was living her everyday life. This made her shrug and shake her head. She didn’t have time for the false hope of a new adventure that could spark her life.

Instead, she enjoyed laying under this tree. Protected from the sun. The wind blowing her pelt slightly, and her bushy tail dancing behind her. Flurrytail figured she would go out to hunt, but thought against it, playing off as lazy, so she sat under the tree a while longer, relaxing, contemplating about life.

‘’Uh--I’m bored,’’ She groaned quietly to herself. She was tired of sitting under that tree--though the shade felt as if it were from Starclan themselves! She gingerly got up, shook her pelt of whatever debris clung to her and she trotted out, greeting everyone she passed with a happy smile. She made her way to the fresh-kill pile, and scanned at the prey she wanted. She didn’t have a particular taste. Only that she wanted food. Perhaps, a type of bird. When her eyes landed on a grouse, she shrugged and decided that the food would do. She picked it up with her fangs, and turned to go back under her shade. When she saw that it was occupied by shadowed cats, she turned back around and soaked out a place to sit and eat quietly.

Flurrytail didn’t have that many friends in the clan. And, she wished to find Cougarstorm, her only true friend, but he was nowhere in site. She hadn’t heard from Mudwater or Roseblaze, so they were out the choice box, so she sat alone. With the bird between her front paws, she leaned down to start eating, savoring the taste.

Though she were alone, the meal, no doubt, was heavily delicious and it satisfied her. She ate everything, and found a neat spot to dug up the bones. After she was finished with her meal, she rolled herself on the grass. She rolled her lithe body around slowly, as if she were stretching. To others, to toms specifically, they would regard this as an act of flirting, but who was she flirting with? In Flurrytail’s defense, she was just stretching, not trying to gain some tom’s attention. She hardly received the attention anyway. She wasn’t anything special. And, quite frankly, she was glad to not be. So, the warrior continued to roll around in the grass, stopping to be on her back, and looking up at the sky, as if she were appreciating it deep down in her heart.
