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Old March 28th, 2017, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post

The tom's ears pricked up at Infernosky's words. If he were being honest-- he hadn't expected her to say something like that. After all, he had just gotten onto her for something that might just be part of who she was...maybe it was something out of her control. He knew there were cats like that. But she had, instead, given him a much friendlier answer then he had expected. "I wish I could say I understood, but I don't. Since I haven't ever done something like what you three have. But I do know it's a lot to take in. Blazingstar's a good leader, though...Dapplestar trusted him." Obsidiansky was trying not to feel sorry for them. That wasn't going to help-- though he really did. He couldn't imagine doing something like getting out of a shiny metal box-- was that what they had said?-- then coming from yes, the city....all the way to WindClan.
He wasn't actually sure how far the city was, but he imagined it must have been fairly far. "It's fine. Nice to meet you too, Infernosky." He mewed with a smile coming onto his features once more. There was rarely a time when Obsidiansky wasn't smiling-- it was both a barrier for the frustration and anger that he sometimes felt, and just something that he did. At least it wasn't an uncomfortably friendly smile, one that made everyone around him uncomfortable... he had seen those types of cats, and they always sent a shudder down his spine. They were cats who looked as though they were up to no good. But it wasn't Obsidiansky's place to say that, or to judge them.
That could easily keep him from making new friends, after all. He glanced up in surprise, flinching at the sound of Shrikecall's no-nonsense, sharp tone. Of course. The Deputy would come back just when he thought he was going to leave these cats alone. But at least Blazingstar was now going to get to speak with them. At least he was going to be fair-- which, in all honesty, was more then Shrikecall had done so far.
Shrikecall said nothing, pressing his maw shut until his lips were nearly stretched in a thin line. Truth be told, he was furious. He didn't like these cats. But it seemed Blazingstar was actually considering letting them stay without even hearing what this cat had to say. He watched as she said goodbye to her two companions, and even gave the briskest nod to Obsidiansky-- what had that young warrior done to get her... respect? He shrugged as though to say 'I know' before leading her away from her companions, towards the leader's den.
"Well, I don't know what this 'people garbage' is like...but it's pretty comfortable in the warriors' den, which is where you all will be sleeping." He mewed, meeting first Jitterbug's, then Russel's gaze. His own hues seemed to sparkle and be smiling all on their own. The tom got to his paws, and strained his ears to hear Russel's quiet voice. Whoa. He thought in surprise, glancing towards the cat with a half-startled, half-interested expression. But that soon faded. "I'm sure it will be. So I know you want to see where you'll be sleeping...and what about you?" He asked, glancing towards Jitterbug with a warm smile and then curiously up at Russel. Obsidiansky had a soft pelt that was a medium length-- and a smaller build, which made him just the smallest bit nervous when he glanced up at the tom.
But as far as he knew, the tom wasn't going to hurt him. Therefore there was no reason to be nervous. Obsidiansky shifted his weight and smiled at Jitterbug as she began to ask question after question. "It's not always this green. Sometimes there's no greenery anywhere. And yeah, it pretty much always smells this fresh-- it's really nice out here." Obsidiansky told her, glancing over at the tom. He hadn't spoken too much. Is he..okay? Obsidiansky thought, shifting his weight slightly uncomfortably. Hopefully he would have this cat opening up as much as the younger one soon. That was something he was fairly good at. But there were always cats who didn't like to talk...whether they just didn't feel much like it, or weren't much of talkers in the first place.
By the time the two deputy's were out of sight, the trio may have arrived at the outside of the warrior's den. While Russel sat down beside Obsidiansky in front of it like it was some sort of monument, Jitterbug was sticking her head in it. "I'm goin' in!" The sparsely patched felidae hollered as she thundered into the den, collapsing onto some cat's nicely made bed of moss. "It's so comfy!" Jitter's voice could be heard slightly muffled from the inside.

Russel felt bad for whoever might be sleeping in there at the moment.
"Oh dear." He said in his quiet tone and put a paw to his chin. His voice wasn't too strange to hear, but it was slightly unexpected to be coming from a cat his size. Though he voice was small, it was not inaudible, but light. Not deep and powerful as might be expected. It wasn't overly quiet nor high-pitched like a kit or a mouse, it was something you would typically identify as a simple high-pitched male voice. It might sound funny at first, if you didn't know his personality. His voice was a large factor that had a lot to do with the bullying he had received from his brothers in the city. Just because his voice, mannerisms and personality was gentle, didn't mean his body power or ability was of the same degree. The smoky gray chartreaux wasn't just fluffy, he was powerful. But he would almost never let it show, unless Jitterbug was in trouble somehow.
Russelfur tended to make anyone sitting next to him seem short..especially if you were thin and scrawny, like Jitterbug.

"It is quite nice out here," Russel added in his unique accent, "I can't imagine anyone would want to live in the city after this." He then turned his quiet self to Obsidiansky with a genuinely interested expression, "Were you always a forest cat?"

Jitterbug exited the warriors den--possibly kicked out by sleeping cats--and shook her fur clean of moss pieces. She sat in front of the two older toms and began to clean her paws and shoulders, tongue rasping pleasantly along her tortoiseshell coat and purring contentedly.
"Yep. I'm sleeping in there tonight," She mewed between licks, "I call the big one in the corner."

Russel just shook his head at his small companion with an amused smile and a quiet chuckle. Silly girl. "I don't think you get to decide that." He remarked.