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Old April 6th, 2017, 04:20 PM
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AbsurdJinx AbsurdJinx is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by wolybro View Post

[were finally doing this <33]

Sunsong slipped out of the nursery with a small huff. She wanted to have a fresh bit of air from the place, it had felt it had been awhile since she had freedom from the place of camp. She held guilt for burrowing herself in the nursery during the Era. She would hold it against herself, if it were her choice. She felt guilty that at the time with everything happening she felt to scared to even step foot out of the nursery. Though at the time she wasn't completely useless, helping with the kits behind den walls and newly made mothers during the stressful time of the Era. But she had avoided almost all of her loved ones because of her fears because of guilt. She knew there were warriors risking their lives everyday against the cats who disagreed with starclan, with the cats who had ice oozing into their hearts. She felt guilty she couldn't do more then watch kits, but she did her job well. During this time she didn't speak to her kits (now made apprentices) and her mate often, she thought they had more important business to attend to then her. As seen, there were more cats who needed protection, prey for strength against the battle that was taken with Ratnight and Bucknight. She made have not been risking her life daily but she was bringing and helping new lives into the clan during the harsh time. But to her, she felt that could've done more.
That it wasn't enough.
So to step outside of the clearing felt refreshing, the new leaf air hitting her nose as the chilled breeze ruffled her thick, long fur a bit. Amber eyes looked up to the sky and she smiled a bit, feeling her stomach twitch a bit with live movement. She was expecting kits soon, and she had her eye on motherless kits that were in the nursery too to take care of. She had her familiar scent of warmth and milk, practically radiating off of her that it was relaxing to anyone who walked by. She sat down, curling her tail around her paws neatly as she turned her gaze to the ground. She had not seen her mate Smokethorn in awhile, and that saddened her. It truly did, to her he was her one and only, her other half if you say, so to not have that for what seemed like moons at a time, was frankly heartbreaking to say the least.
Her smile turned into a frown.
She figured he had important warrior duties, seeing as all of the clans were rebuilding themselves after the era, it would be no surpise to Sunsong if her mate was working his tail off in trying to make sure the clan was in its best state, prey in the fresh kill pile(prey that reminded her that she didn't help hunt for), secure borders(borders she often didn't get to see from her time in the nursery), and the training of any apprentice he had (which she couldn't relate to, seeing as she had never trained an apprentice, and it has been moons since she had practice any of her warrior skills). Cats often forgot that she was a warrior aswel, even at often times Sunsong didn't feel like it, feeling like her warrior training was a waste seeing as she never helped the clan by using them.
She sighed.
[ ahhhhhh i swear i responded to this sorry its late ]

Smokethorn was only padding around camp. It was his sixth lap around the entire clearing, actually, and he felt as if he could lap it a million more times. He had breath for ages. His long legs and skinny structure supported his speed, though he wasn't running. He was casually walking, his paws brushing against the ground as he walked, almost as if he didn't care enough to lift his paws with every step. His yellow-green eyes surveyed the area, and beneath them lied a lazy smile. He enjoyed the fresh air that forced his short, thin fur to dance, and brought his body to a light shiver. The ground was cold below his tough paw pads, but he didn't mind.

During the Evil Era, he hadn't seen much of his kin. Sunsong kept herself locked in the nursery, and Smokethorn just hasn't seen Adderpaw or Leopardpaw anywhere. So he's kept distracted with a bunch of hunting and border-patrolling. He felt as if Sunsong were too busy in the nursery to see him, and perhaps she would be much too stressed to love him properly. He didn't want to add on to her stress, so he kept his distance, for her sake. But now that the Evil Era was over, and he's left a while for Sunsong to recover, he was ready to see her once more. It's been moons since their last meeting!

And then he saw her. He came to an abrupt halt, his colored hues studying her as he struggled with what to do. Should he approach her? How should he approach her? It were as if they were young again, and he had a kit-crush on her, and was nervously wondering how to make his first impression. We're mates! What's there to be anxious about? They've seen each other in their worst, in their best - this should be easy, it should come natural... And it did. After observing the thick golden locks of her pelt, and the soft amber eyes that he fell in love with, Smokethorn launched himself forward like a kit just out of the nursery. A bright, genuine smile lit up his features, and his gait was a lengthy bound.

``Sunsong!`` He cheered in a rather breathy tone. Only she was capable of taking his breath away. Smokethorn came to a sudden halt before his mate where he stood and looked over at her with admiring eyes. His chest heaved as he breathed heavily - the consequences of having a gorgeous molly take your breath away. He simply stared at her through wide, loving eyes. He didn't need words - he was with the love of his life, and that was all that mattered.

My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!