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Old April 8th, 2017, 01:18 AM
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Empress Of Evil Empress Of Evil is offline
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Default Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Noire View Post
A large smooth-coated silver tom bounced happily off from a side of a mountain. He looked back once, seeing a few rocks tumble after him, and he jumped to the next rocky surface. It was never easy for most to climb rocky mountains or, well, run along them. That did not matter to Umbraice because he felt like he ruled the world. Everything he went across, he owned. Figuratively. He knew being a leader was a hard job in itself. He knew that Grousestar was busy everyday, and perhaps never landed a break. And, what about the deputy? Auroraflame was a hard worker, she was pretty kind to from what he observed of her. He wondered if she ever was cut a break? The tom doubted it because high ranks were always busy. High ranks weren’t his forte if he couldn’t have fun every day.

As for right now, the tom wasn’t enduring fun. More so, he was being reckless. Hopping on each rock with ease, and watching others fall around him. He moved his head in order to not be hit by one. ‘’That was a close one.’’ He grumbles before he hopped on the last big rock before he would make it to the ground. Even then, he stopped for a moment to embrace the world around him. Green pastures, yellow pastures, mountains, trees, flowers--all the above that amazed him. How come he haven’t been doing this often? Just allowing himself to admire his surroundings and to take notice where he was. ‘’Wow.’’ was his simple reply. A reply that would had been longer if he hadn’t heard the crack of another rock falling. This one was a larger rock, and before he could allow himself to get hurt, he instantly jump off the last rock and started running back to the clearing as fast as he could. ‘’Later, suckers!’’ He called back, overjoyed with the recent adventure he took.

Umbraice loved living on the daring side. It was apart of his athletic ability. The tom had succeeded in learning the power of running sideways along a rocky, tough surface. At first, he banged his head a couple times, and most likely almost died, but he pulled through, and found himself doing it often.

Just last week, the tom was attack by a venomous snake. Perhaps, it was his fault for prodding it too much, asking for trouble. Umbraice did not want to relive that memory, and apart of him felt that he wouldn’t be the tom that he was today if he allowed himself to never be so...reckless. Only, he wasn’t reckless. He would truly take offense if anyone called him that. Being reckless was being idiotic. Umbraice was none of those. He liked to think of himself as a cool and mellow tom that loved a side danger.

Nothing wrong with that, eh?

As he padded back in camp, the tom felt his muscles rippling, and the tension they carried. After a tough workout he endured that day, they were fatigued and all he wanted to do was eat and sleep. The tom went up towards the fresh kill pile and grabbed for a small bird--whatever bird it was? He did not know, but he was ready to eat. A few of the cats watched him, and he tried to throw a smile if only his mouth wasn’t ruffled.

Umbraice was...defeated for the day. Yet, he was proud, and he couldn’t wait for what he would do the next day. Most likely out for a simple run? Perhaps, chase birds or butterflies? Or maybe associate himself with his clan mates? That sounded plausible, but Umbraice never liked to socialize much. He was friendly, but he was a cat of action. Enough said.

The tom stretched his limbs before settling down at a good spot, and he quietly began picking at his food, absorbed in it as if it were the only thing in the world. His world.

@Empress Of Evil
A particular ebony feline was rushing briskly around on the mountain. The mountain of work. It seemed as though Auroraflame had so much to do these days. She always managed to spare about an hour of time for friends and family, however her other hours were spent walking around checking that everything was in order. As much as the deputy liked working, it could get rather unbearable sometimes. There was so much to remember. Slowing to a stop, Auroraflame scanned the clearing with an icy blue gaze, checking to see what was now done and what wasn't. Most things were done, she would probably have more time to relax than most days today. Lots of work meant little rest. The deputy had been working towards sleeping a bit earlier, yet she always managed to fail.

Every now and again, the deputy could be seen walking around the camp, going a bit....weird. Those were the side affects of lack of sleep. When Auroraflame was tired, she would normally go a bit bonkers before going into a shut down mode where she was trying to rest herself wherever she could. However, going crazy was part of Auroraflame's normal personality, it was just over exaggerated when she was tired. She had to admit that she enjoyed laughing at herself about it afterwards. Who didn't laugh at themselves when they did weird things? The ebony she-cat was born with 'weird' as a personality trait. And she liked it. Sighing, the deputy sat down for a few moments before quickly deciding to stand up. As much as she wanted to rest her aching paws, she had work to tend to. But then again, surely she would be allowed a short moment of rest? It was a debatable topic, though she really didn't want to think about it. Shaking her head, she decided to sit down, not being able to stand the soreness of her paws.

Looking around, the deputy's gaze landed on some kits that were playing. A small smile grew on her maw as she watched them. Kits, they gave such joy to everyone. They always looked so happy and free. Sure they could be troublesome, but that's what you get when you're young. Auroraflame felt herself wishing she could be a kit again, playing with her siblings and laughing when she tripped over her own paws.

There were so many happy memories in the she-cat's life. Her kithood, apprenticeship, warriorhood, and becoming deputy. So many things all fit into them, creating one big picture. Everything that Auroraflame had experienced were the things that made her the way she was this very day. There had been many downs in her life, but everyone needed them. Life would be rather boring if you didn't have something to make the negative's flood in, as strange as it might sound.

Suddenly, a soft gurgling sound broke through her thoughts and Auroraflame looked down. A short moment after, she realised it was her belly that had made that sound and so she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. Hopefully nobody had heard. If the deputy were to be honest, she would say that she hadn't eaten since early this morning. Auroraflame realised how much she seemed to miss food at this particular hour. The she-cat was one of those who was constantly thinking about food and wanting to get her paws on some. However, she restrained herself and took the smallest pieces, letting her clanmates take the filling ones.

The deputy quickly rose to her paws before rushing over to the fresh kill pile eagerly, ignoring the stares of the cats who thought she looked rather childish. Food was calling to her, and she needed it. As she reached the pile, a silver tabby tom walked away with a small bird clamped between his jaws, however the deputy took no notice of him, too busy searching through the pile. Deciding she needed it, the deputy took a medium sized rabbit, hoping it would be enough to help her catch up on all the energy she was lacking.

The taste of the rabbit in her jaws made her mouth water. Auroraflame looked around for a spot to sit. Most places were taken by cats talking to one another, though one cat seemed to be available for a chat. As the deputy approached the tom she had seen at the kill pile earlier, she quickly searched for a name. Umbraice, right? The deputy was quite good at remembering names, unless she'd never met the cat. "Hello!" Auroraflame called to Umbraice cheerfully as she approached him. She looked at the spot next to him, as if silently asking if she could sit there.

A new character site is in progress!

Enjoy the good times <3 because something terrible is probably about to happen