Thread: April Gathering
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Old April 15th, 2017, 06:22 PM
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Default Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by LostintheEchoes View Post
Sharks?! Thought Duskpaw with newfound concern. Despite his worries, he was determined to succeed. For himself, and for Dewpaw. Steeling his nerves, he nodded to Snarlingpaw and stepped closer to the islet, staring out the water. For a second, his paws felt rooted to the ground as if someone was watching him. His mentor, no, it couldn't be, Swiftecho was on the other side of the clearing. His eyes quickly darted around until he spotted who was watching him:
His secret ShadowClan mentor, Darkzephyr.
Now, Duskpaw couldn't fail. If Duskpaw was seen failing by Darkzephyr, he might not come back alive the next stay. Swallowing his concern, he returned his gaze to the islet. Suddenly, throwing all his thoughts to the back of his mind, he flicked his stubbed tail once and bounded forward, throwing himself into the water. He held his breath - he had never swam before. He thrashed wildly, determined to find out how to swim in the next few seconds. His paws slammed the water with so much force that droplets splashed around him with every kick and he pushed forward, scowling. He wanted the feeling of a cool night breeze on his fur, not sopping, dripping, clear blue water tinted by the night sky. He growled, pushing through the islet.
Only a fox-length in, his mind began to race. There was still, about ten badger lengths of water ahead of him, that he had to swim without stopping - if he stopped, he risked drowning. Gritting his teeth, he pushed on, without looking back at any of the apprentices. He remembered what Snarlingpaw had said about sharks and he was suddenly taken over by fear. He could die.
But he was determined to press on. As he swam another fox-length in, a strange, fishy scent filled his nose. He almost retched. How could RiverClan eat fish on a daily basis? The smell was salty, tanged with water, and another, abnormal, metallic taste he couldn't identify. Ignoring it, he thrashed his way through the water as Dewpaw watched after him, mortified, her ears flattened against her head.
Creampaw and the tom watched approvingly. "He's good" The tom mentioned to Dewpaw,
a small smile taking up his face. (I ship him and Dewy) "Are you sure you don't want to go with him? Sharks never attack cats in two pairs... And you'd feel proud when you come back!" If you come back.. the tom added silently.
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