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Old April 18th, 2017, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by InfernoFlicker View Post
"Nah, not really," Jitterbug had replied to Obsidiansky's remark that she might be a little enthusiastic, "Just callin' it like I see it." With this, she followed after Obsidiansky with a goofy, bouncy trot. Russel was finding it difficult to contain his laughter now. She was ridiculous.
Originally Posted by InfernoFlicker View Post

As the two listened to the warrior introduce to them the camp and warrior's den, they listened with full attention, as if he were telling an interesting story. To Obsidiansky, this information may seem ages old and completely uninteresting, but the group-living concept was new and fascinating to the foreign pair. Russel titled his head slightly when Obsidiansky explained how warriors became warriors. If he had to have a mentor to teach him proper fighting and hunting techniques, how come Infernosky told him he would be a warrior when they came here? He never had a mentor, nor was he sure that he knew any of the sparring techniques that were taught around here. She had said this to him after one of the scariest moments in his life; when he had found Jitter cornered by five mange city cats, just before Infernosky had come into their lives. Russel didn't remember much of it, but he took on all five of them at once. He thought he took least three of them? He couldn't remember. Either way, he wouldn't have made it if Infernosky hadn't swooped in from the top of a garbage dump and joined the squabble. Well, all that mattered to him then was to make sure Jitterbug didn't get hurt; if anything were to happen to her, he would never forgive himself.

Russel was jerked from his memories when they had moved on to the next den; apprentices. So this was where Jitterbug would be staying.
"You might need to give up that moss bed in the warrior's den, Jitter. This is the den you'll be staying in."

"Awwww!" Jitterbug made a grouchy face, "Well, I'm gonna fight whoever has it when I get there."

Russel thought for a moment and replied, "I could save it for you..." Yes, he would do that. Might as well, as he didn't really know where else he would sleep. Speaking of sleep, he looked down at everyone's faces that were now noticeably droopy-eyed. "Perhaps we should take a break for a nap?..." He suggested in his quiet tone.

"Oh no, I'm WIIIiiddeee awake..." Jitterbug argued, which ended in her yawning directly after.

Obsidiansky watched the two with an amused expression on his features. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be a warrior in no time," He purred as he glanced up at the sky. Hm... just after sun-high. It was a good time for a nap, and the ebony pelted tom could use one... but, the younger cat seemed to be awfully excited about this tour. Besides, though the tom didn't show it, he was sure Russel was excited as well. Probably-- coming to a new place was scary, and intriguing at the same time. Obsidiansky remembered they'd all had to leave the Camp when the fire swept through... obviously, unless they wanted to die... and he remembered coming to a new place. It'd been scary at first, yes, but soon he had worked up the courage to look around and explore some.
He'd been happy there. But, it was nice to be back in Camp. There was no place like home, after all. And his home was the most comfortable and unique of all. The place that he would always love. A pleased purr rumbled in the tom's throat as he kneaded his claws, glancing over around the clearing before he yawned again. "Maybe Russel's right, Jitter... I'm kinda tired too..." His voice trailed off as he stretched out, spine curving in a perfectly shaped inwards arch. He unsheathed his claws, stretching them, looking as though he were grabbing at something for a minute before he stopped and sheathed them, sitting up and giving a small shake of his head.
This was meant to clear it, but it looked as though he'd just come out of water; either that, or like he was very confused about where he was. Yawning again, Obsidiansky's tail twitched in an amused manner as he glanced around. "Over there's the nursery. Kits-- cats who aren't old enough to train yet, cats who are under six moons, and their Mothers or cats who are expecting kits stay there." He told them, and then his glance turned towards the elders' den. "And that's the elders' den... cats who are too old to fight and hunt any longer retire there," He told his two companions. A shudder went down his spine at the thought of joining. Obsidiansky was a warrior at heart; despite his friendly nature, he was far too dedicated to being a part of WindClan to ever want to join the elders' den.
"The leaders' den is over there... as you can imagine, it's where the leader of our whole Clan stays. And then there's the medicine cat's den... the medicine cat, the cat who takes care of us when we get sick or hurt or something and her apprentice stay in there." He glanced back at the two of them, searching their expressions. "Any questions?" He asked, as though he were training an apprentice. In the way he might speak to Rainpaw, or if he were to someday have another apprentice, the way that he would speak to them. He was ready to take a nap; but being rude wouldn't do him any good, he needed to have patience with these strangers. Once they were settled in, then perhaps he could get some rest.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.