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Old April 23rd, 2017, 11:54 PM
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Rivergold Rivergold is offline
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Default Re: RANDOMNESS (plz join XD)

Originally Posted by No One's Beeswax View Post
(I just seriously dropped in activity, sorry!)
Berrypaw narrowed her eyes, alarm vanishing. Of course she was a cat before, what was next? Leafpaw was a hawk before? "Alright," the apprentice meowed, "I think I got the idea from here, thanks for your help." She walked, slightly shakily, into the undergrowth, forgetting that she had no idea how to get back to BlazeClan camp. Wow Thea, you sure are smart. And you can't go back and ask for directions because of your exit 'style'. Now, use that brain of your to get out of this predicament. Berrypaw's ears shot up, she could sniff her way back. She started her plan, thinking how clever she was.
you fine)
River raised an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted a lesson?"