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Old May 1st, 2017, 04:09 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Ocelotpath padded into the territory, the Bengal's tail twitching from side to side. With the kits getting bigger, and Halestar having stripped Moondancer of her position he knew that she was busy, but he wished that they could spend just a little more time together. Even the smallest amount would make the tom happy. But, of course, life was constantly getting in the way. Keeping them from really being together, which was... disappointing to say the least. Sighing, Ocelotpath looked around.
The last time they had been out was the middle of the winter. And she had gotten those ice crystals in her fur... even the memory made the tom smile. It sort of felt like he didn't really know her anymore. What was he thinking? That was absolutely crazy! Of course he knew her. She was his mate.
The cat he wanted to spend the rest of his life with... and he considered her as a very close, a best, friend. A special type of friend. Glancing around as though that would make the silvery Egyptian Mau appear out of nowhere, the tom wondered if they would get a little more time to spend together.
A competition might be nice. It had been a while since they'd had a friendly little competition, after all. The tom crouched down, batting at the growing blades of grass, as though they were another cat's tail and he was a kit. Truth be told he was bored at the moment, and this was keeping him entertained. It didn't matter if he looked kit-like! No one was around to see him and even if they were, it really wasn't their place to judge him anyways. It shouldn't matter what they thought about him.
But it did. Somehow it mattered very much to the Bengal, and he wondered if anyone was spying on him. The thought of Moondancer instantly came to his mind, and he hung onto it. Picturing her as best he could... and he knew every detail. By now, he could see her anytime he closed his eyes. Which, while somewhat creepy at the same time, was just one of the things he chose to know that meant he hadn't forgotten anything about her. He was just waiting until the time they would get to be together again.


Moondancer had been out in the territory for a while now, hunting and just spending time outside and alone. She had needed that, she could feel it. Having been stripped from her rank like she had had really taken it's toll on her. She didn't agree with Halestar, but the leader's word was usually law, so she could not go against it. But it worried Moondancer. She had done nothing wrong. Halestar had claimed she had spent too much time with her kits, when she had spent way too little. Something was wrong with the leader, and Moondancer needed time to find out what in the world that was.
Having practiced her climbing skills, Moondancer was sitting in the treetops when Ocelotpath arrived. Crouching down low on the branch she was currently sitting on, she tried her best to stay hidden for her mate. Not because she didn't want him here, not at all.
The Egyptian Mau might have been 37 moons old, which was considered senior, but she still had a lot of childisity to get out, so to speak. She loved fooling around, and felt like the luckiest cat with the fact that she had found a mate that shared that trait. Not many senior warriors would go out and play-fight like them. They would try to look cool and knowledgeable to all the younger warriors. But in Moondancer's eyes, that was boring. Very boring indeed. It didn't give a good impression on the apprentices and warriors in her opinion. Every cat needed to have some fun once in a while.
Waiting until her bengal mate was placed just beneath her, she grinned before jumping down with a battlecry shaken with laughter, in an attempt to land on his back and roll him around, hoping he would not realize who she was in the beginning and perhaps believe he was being attacked for real.
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