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Old May 1st, 2017, 07:35 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz View Post

Foxspring raised his body off the ground, the raven hanging from his jaws by it's wing. The fox-like warrior turned his head in time to notice a fellow warrior looking terrified at him. Instantly Foxspring knew the issue and felt self-conscious then suddenly angered. Why couldn't his clan-mates accept him for who he was? Why did he have to scare them all the time even though he was smaller than a fox? Shouldn't it be obvious! Foxspring was only thinking from his perspective, he'd never be able to understand what it must've been like for his clan-mates to live with something like him. Something. The raven fell to the ground as his sudden anger ran over the top. "What are you looking at?! I'm no different from you! Can't you tell the difference!" his voice was hinting a growl and his yellow hues were blazing a cold fire, yet his posture didn't turn into anything threatening besides his ears flattened against his head. If he looked as though he were about to attack, he would've started a fight and he knew better than to do that now. Instead he held a tense posture with his head lined up to his shoulder blades and his ears back. He didn't curl his lip, he didn't hiss, he didn't spit, nothing. He just appeared angered.

Her eyes remained widdened but body slowly untensed as he lifted himself upwards off the ground revealing he was in fact a cat, and rather not a fox. She noticed his expression look displeased, bewildered by that reaction and unknowing of how to respond she decided to stay quiet and gazed over at him, the raven that was in his maw suddenly dropped to the floor.

The cat open his mouth, speaking words that came off as him being upset, a slight grow tickling up his throat as he spoke, She wondered if she had done something to possibly offended him? She recalled her initially body reflex was to be defensive due to mistaking spotting him as a fox. It didn't quiet click how that would come off as offensive, but she only narrowly thought of her own ideals as it being logical to defend yourself from something that appeared as a fox and didn't consider his feelings at all.

She quietly exhaled in order to reset her jumbled up mind. Sitting up, she leaned her head downwards in order to take a lick her bristled up very messy fur. She sat silent for a few moments, thinking about how to respond to him properly so it wouldn't lead to some sort of miscommunication. To her, this wouldn't have been rude but rather considerate. She lifted her head back up from grooming only to respond to his retort, "Well you see.." She trailed off, trying to regain confidence in her voice. "That raven you got there, I was hunting it." She used her tail to point out the raven, being completely insensitive to his possibly damaged feelings and changing the subject over to the prey at hand.
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