Thread: Retribution
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Old May 4th, 2017, 10:31 PM
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Cool Re: Retribution

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
[ehhhhhh it's happeninggggggg but yes sounds good]

The small tom bounded over the hill, excitement bubbling through his pelt. He was so ready to do this. He could be just like his father, his mother, Grousestar, Auntie Aurora (xD) He could be great like them. It was only then as he burst into the clearing, tend and blue tail bushed up, that he saw it. Some dark gray tom leaning over his mother. Starclan what was happening to her? Why did she have that stuff leaking from her? Eww it smelled gross! He could help, so bravely, he bushed his pelt and flung himself at the False King, his tiny kit frame colliding softly against the hind leg of him. He nipped and tugged at Onyx, his kit claws scrabbling furiously at him. "Leave my Mommy alone! Do it before my Daddy, Cliffheart sees! He won't be very happy with you!" He growled in his squeaky little voice.
Onyx kicked the kit off him, and smiled maliciously. "So this is your son, hm?" he asked darkly and grabbed him by the scruff. "Come on, kit! You are coming with me. You'll become a great fighter in the Syndicate!" he snarled at the molly through his fur, even though the words were for him. He began to walk away, and suddenly, Scorchedpetal jumped up and at him, tackling him, making him drop Beachkit. "Leave my son alone!" she yowled, and clawed his neck. He stumbled back and felt blood seeping into his pelt. "If I go down..." she began, and looked at him. "So do you!" she jumped, and clawed his neck again, at the same time, he returned the strike and she gasped, landing on her paws, the tom falling back with a dark, pained smile. "Yes we do..." he said darkly.

She stood there, blood dripping to the ground, and suddenly she fell her eyes rolling back. She tightened them close, then looked at the tom, anger and protective love in them as she weakly got up and stood over her kit. "Not this t-time, Onyx..." she snarled, coughing. Blood dripped from her mouth, and she held her head high as she looked at him. He smiled, and stood, but now he was weak, blood still dripping from his neck, and he knew now he had to leave and see Lilith, but not without one last strike. "Oh, maybe not for the kit, but for you." he said, and as he rushed up, she moved forward to shield Beachkit and he clawed her shoulder, and she winced in pain, blood now soaked in her once beautiful pelt. It was lined with many scratches, fur lifted and matted, blood seeping all around her shoulders, neck, and face. Then he lifted a paw, but looked behind her. The battles were obviously leaning in the clan's favor, and he quickly looked down at her.

"You will die, even if I die too!" he yowled and stroke again, but she only ducked and winced, and she stayed standing over her kit. He clawed her once more, and a pool of blood started to form under her. He was frustrated, and he lifted his paw to strike again, but then he heard a commotion next to him, and there, he saw the familiar tom who escaped his grasp, and he was fighting Hades. "What...? No!" he growled. "So he caused my downfall!" he snarled, and suddenly realized the resemblance of Cliffheart and Beachkit. "And he will witness that of his mate's and kit's!" he snarled, stepping closer to to her. "Any last words for him to hear?" he asked, lifting his paw. She only growled. "Go to hell."