Thread: Retribution
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Old May 4th, 2017, 10:55 PM
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Default Re: Retribution

Originally Posted by moonfang View Post

Onyx kicked the kit off him, and smiled maliciously. "So this is your son, hm?" he asked darkly and grabbed him by the scruff. "Come on, kit! You are coming with me. You'll become a great fighter in the Syndicate!" he snarled at the molly through his fur, even though the words were for him. He began to walk away, and suddenly, Scorchedpetal jumped up and at him, tackling him, making him drop Beachkit. "Leave my son alone!" she yowled, and clawed his neck. He stumbled back and felt blood seeping into his pelt. "If I go down..." she began, and looked at him. "So do you!" she jumped, and clawed his neck again, at the same time, he returned the strike and she gasped, landing on her paws, the tom falling back with a dark, pained smile. "Yes we do..." he said darkly.

She stood there, blood dripping to the ground, and suddenly she fell her eyes rolling back. She tightened them close, then looked at the tom, anger and protective love in them as she weakly got up and stood over her kit. "Not this t-time, Onyx..." she snarled, coughing. Blood dripped from her mouth, and she held her head high as she looked at him. He smiled, and stood, but now he was weak, blood still dripping from his neck, and he knew now he had to leave and see Lilith, but not without one last strike. "Oh, maybe not for the kit, but for you." he said, and as he rushed up, she moved forward to shield Beachkit and he clawed her shoulder, and she winced in pain, blood now soaked in her once beautiful pelt. It was lined with many scratches, fur lifted and matted, blood seeping all around her shoulders, neck, and face. Then he lifted a paw, but looked behind her. The battles were obviously leaning in the clan's favor, and he quickly looked down at her.

"You will die, even if I die too!" he yowled and stroke again, but she only ducked and winced, and she stayed standing over her kit. He clawed her once more, and a pool of blood started to form under her. He was frustrated, and he lifted his paw to strike again, but then he heard a commotion next to him, and there, he saw the familiar tom who escaped his grasp, and he was fighting Hades. "What...? No!" he growled. "So he caused my downfall!" he snarled, and suddenly realized the resemblance of Cliffheart and Beachkit. "And he will witness that of his mate's and kit's!" he snarled, stepping closer to to her. "Any last words for him to hear?" he asked, lifting his paw. She only growled. "Go to hell."
Beachkit took the kick and flight hard, his bones not completely hardened as he was only about three moons old. He felt his hind leg crunch and a fiery pain burn through it. He gasped in pain,mshe words frozen in his throat. What was happening here? This was nothing like th battles he had with Aredkit and Cliffheart. He felt the jaws then, grasp him in a firm jaw. He began to flail wildly, kicking and wailing. His pale yellow green hues looked back to his bleeding, wounded mother. "Mommy!" He screeched, terror written on every part of him. "Mommy help!! Mommy!" Tears stremIng down his face. He could see Cliffheart fighting in the distance, unaware of the scene. Tears were flowing down. Scorchedpetal was hurt, like really badly. He had to help her! He was being taken away by her enemy, he couldn't live with him! He had to break free, but how when his leg was scorching with pain. "Mommy!!" He screeched one finally time before dropping his head limply in defeat. His mommy was dying, and he was being taken away from his entire life.

Then he heard her rustle, and tackle Onyx. He rolled free, his hind left leg splaying out at an odd angle. Scorched was back up and fighting. He had to think of something, anything to help. Scorched was not doing well, and he saw that. He still didn't know what that red stuff was, but now there was some on his leg. It was his mother's. The next thing he knew, she was standing over him, protecting him from every blow that the gray tom threw at them. He squealed at squeaked, terrified. Her blood was dripping down her flanks, her neck, everywhere, splattering the ground around him as he shriveled in terror. His tan and gray coat was covered in his mother's blood now, and he looked basically dead as smal as he was laying there, petrified in fear. He had to help somehow. Mommy wasn't going to last long. Then he remembered. Something they always called each other. "Daddy!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, squeaky voice echoing over the fighting cats. Then he made his plea for help. "The Twin Star is falling! Daddy help!!" He cried, the tears starting up again. Hopefully he would hear.

Cliffheart, halfway across the clearing was focused on battle. Fighting, clawing, biting, hissing. Then he heard it. The Twin Star is falling... no no. The fighting slowed, like the world and time was slowed. He turned, seeing the infamous King lurk menacingly towards his mate. All he could see was his Star, bleeding, dripping blood, fighting back, hissing to Onyx. The other thing that struck him, was the bundle of bloody fur crumpled under her. The world spun around him. Scorched was on the brink of death and now one of his precious Little Stars was dead. He had been right, he was a horrible father, a horrible mate. Nothing else mattered now, he left his fight and charged towards his mate, in time to hear the last words. 'Go to hell he will indeed. No one touches my Stars he flung himself forwards, yowling in such a fury, it scared even himself. "Get away from them!" He yowled, fire burning inside him, the rage. This cat had gone way too far. Now he would pay. But Scorched needed help. And she needed it now. He caught a glimpse of the fur color, I between all the blood. It was Beachkit. The little one who acted so much like him. He was gone now, and it was Onyx's fault.
~Mony will forever be my Twin Star~
~~ yo it’s nighty ~~
~~ I’m trying to come back. All my character will be scrapped and I’ll be starting over. Some of my characters will remain in Starclan, all my main ones. They’re open for roleplay if you would like that. Other than that I’m starting over completely. ~~