Thread: Seastones
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Old May 8th, 2017, 07:43 PM
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Default Re: Seastones

Originally Posted by Ashley/Kestrel View Post

Perhaps Morningheart had strayed too far this time.
Yeah, because he had someone ended up all the way at the Seastones. The scent of the sea was fresh on his tongue, and the sun-kissed tom squinted in the bright sunlight. After moments of inspecting the area as he perched on a salty stone, his ears swiveled to pick up noices.
There were cats here?
The cream tabby's copper optics widened slightly. Oh dear, maybe he should go back? Run away? Maybe they won't see him. He'd much rather be back home in SkyClan, speaking to his possibly new friend Sagemist. The warrior's claws scratched against the rocks, sharpening them to a fine length.
More voices- angry voices, and then the sound of thumps and a large splash. Instinctively, he leap further up the rocks, looking around wildly for the source of the distress.
He could spot a figure writhing under the water, a small wipe of blood on a stone wedged on the shore.
It was just as he had feared.
He was a SkyClan cat, not RiverClan! What was he going to do, he couldn't swim at all. Morningheart's ears flattened. Maybe the only way to fix this was to risk it all.
Puffing out his chest and pushing his fears away, the tom lowered himself and slid into the water, kicking feebly as he tried to meet his maws to the scruff of the pregnant she-cat weakly. This was harder then he thought, and if he wasn't quick- he and this molly would be gone under the sea.
After what seemed like countless hours of struggling, he felt the weight in his jaws loosen, and he forced his eyes open under the salty water, making out the figure of a tom pulling the molly to shore. And what about him?
Panic quickly settled in, and he flailed, only managing to drive himself deeper under the surface. No no no. He was going to die.
His limbs- he had no idea what to do with them other then throw them around in hopes of pushing himself up. But nothing was working. His vision was getting dimmer and dimmer, eyes burning with such intense pain as it met contact with the salty ocean.
Morningheart took in a deep breath instinctively, and only took in more and more water, still struggling to reach the surface, his lungs were screaming.
God, what a mess he had gotten himself into this time.
Cloudburst peered into the water just in case. He spotted what seemed to be a skycan cat for he couldnt swim and he looked oddly familiar. He cursed under his breath and jumped down into the water once more. He kicked harder and faster. He went down deeper and deeper until his lungs started filling with water. He barely grabbed the Tom with his teeth and started kicking up. He jumped under the water and after minutes that seemed like hours, he surfaced. He threw the tom onto shore and barely climbed up. He coughed out water and soon, black swept over him as he fell and passed out.
Whoever is reading this you deserve all the love and support from everyone. If youre ever sad you dont deserve to be sad. ILY!!

Last edited by Fallpotato; May 8th, 2017 at 07:44 PM.
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