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Old May 12th, 2017, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spirit View Post

Moondancer giggled as she was being called a kit. In her eyes, both of them acted the age of their own offsprings at times.
The senior warrior was for once happy being out on her own. The re-ranking had gotten a lot of worry off of her shoulders, and she felt more free. She could spend much more time with her kits and mate, as well as siblings and mother. She was happy to have such a big, supportive family. She felt surrounded by cats who would never leave her side, and that just boosted her confidence. In a short moment, her thoughts went to her twin, who didn't have the advantage of a mother in the clan. But perhaps their father had gotten more kits? She wouldn't know. It had been years since she'd heard from her twin. But deep down, she for some reason knew that she was alive.
Grinning at her mate as he caught her focusing on her thoughts, she was pinned down and tried to look as if she were giving up. But thinking about it, he would probably know most of her moves and tricks by now. She was surprised he hadn't realized she was in the tree.

"You got me, you got me!" She giggled, sending the tom a happy, loving gaze. She felt happier than ever whenever Ocelotpath was around. He just had that effect on her, and she loved it. She were more than happy that they were not the typical pair. They were both slightly childish, as well as always ready for a challenge. Both of them seemed to need more than just sitting in the clearing all day, chatting and crossing tails and what not. She enjoyed the relation they had. Best friends was indeed the way to see it. And yet more than that. It was slightly hard to explain, even in her own head. But nevertheless, she loved what they had, and wouldn't swap him for anyone else in the world.
The tom purred, batting at his mate with a paw. "I win!" It was a kit-like statement, and he knew it, but it still gave him a sense of satisfaction. Sometimes Ocelotpath acted quite kit like as well. Perhaps that was what made their relationship so healthy. He knew it was always going to be like this. Their family would survive. Getting off of Moondancer, and glancing around the now greener territory, a spark of mischief entered his hues. He wasn't quite ready to talk about the de-ranking. Or anything else for that matter. Right now, all the tom wanted to do was play... forget about his worry.
And, thankfully, he had an incredible mate who was willing to do that with him. Pretending to give her a playful nudge, Ocelotpath brushed up against her-- and then stopped, touching her lightly with a paw. "Tag! You're it!" When he was younger, he used to play those games with his siblings. Tag, and hide-and-seek... of course he still played moss-ball and he would play fight, but he liked those games as well. Ocelotpath darted away, dashing through the trees once more. He didn't even wait to see if she was coming behind him. Maybe later they would talk about some more serious stuff. Maybe later things would be a little more close and careful, but for the moment?
Ocelotpath was more then happy to get to do this. He chased her through the territory, laughing as he did so. This was perfect. This was the very definition of the word perfect to him, and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Thank goodness. Moondancer was perfect, and this was what they did. Ocelotpath knew that it was just the way they were and it would be the way it always would be.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.
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