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Old May 15th, 2017, 05:31 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by starfall View Post

The brown tabby padded into the clearing, a scowl evident on her face. She was annoyed, beyond annoyed in fact. Her siblings had a way of annoying her like no other cat, especially Ratpaw, oh she disliked him the most, so bossy, telling her what to do and expecting her to be a good sister and listen to everything. Of course she wasn't going to do that, listen to her idiot brothers orders, it required work, and she disliked doing that. She let out a huff and quickly replaced her scowl with a sickingly sweet smile, she couldn't seem annoyed with so many of her "friends" nearby. Cloverpaw had layed herself down in a sunny spot, right next to the nursery, her yellow orbs flickered with amusement. She'd play along with her littermates, except this time, she wasn't going to take sides, she was going to create her own gang. She let that idea bubble in her mind before she let out a sigh and shook her head, no, no she wasn't, that required work, which was something she didn't really plan on doing. She let out a sigh and rolled onto her back, her fur fluffed and dirty, but she didn't care, when was it ever neat? She closed her eyes and let out another annoyed huff, her tail lashed behind her "Why must they always be obsessed with becoming leader?" she huffed but then opened an eye "well all of them except Daffodilpaw... but the others are annoying." she stated, worry washing over the tabby, her sister often worried her at times, her kindness could one day be used against her.

Cloverpaw let out a snort and thought deeply about the challenge her brothers came up with. She found it too stupid and seemed like it would take up too much effort in her part. Tricking others into joining her group, imagine how often she'd have to smile, and she already smile more than she ever wanted to. The tabby apprentice put on her usual deadpan face and rolled back over onto her white stomach, her head now resting on her front paws. All this gang rallying stuff just seemed like too much for her, too much of an effort just to amuse her littermates.
( sorry for spamming your notifs, formatting was being a little strange >w< )
Midnight-blue paws smoothly carried the lithe molly out of the Apprentice’s den, a façade of utter calm upon her visage. Sloepaw was worried indeed—her dreams ad been restless and filled with discontent. How would she hunt or even think without her insecurities constantly frothing at the surface, simply waiting to come forth. It was easy to keep her expression blank; she had mastered that long ago. Keeping her thoughts in tow was something she just could not do. Ears held up, curious, pale blue eyes darted towards another shecat, the one she had been looking for: Cloverpaw. She was pretty, intelligent, honest. Everything the little blue apprentice wanted to be, and more; a role model, indeed. Sloepaw could tell she was in a good mood, and hoped it was infectious. Her anxiety would not distract her.
Padding over, she let a slight smile of her own creep unto her maw, although Clover’s appeared to be somewhat saccharine. And then, her entire aura changed. Of course. The one thing that was guaranteed to tick Sloepaw off was unpredictability, but what was she to do? She could not change the other feline’s ways. Hearing her velveteen but venomous tone, her tail began to sweep across the hard, sun-baked ground, ears pitching forwards. “Ah, hello, Cloverpaw,” she began, tone formal but with a gentle note she couldn’t quite keep out of her voice. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”
She hoped, or at least knew that her presence could not be bothering the other molly, but who knew? She certainly didn’t.
