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Old May 26th, 2017, 09:08 AM
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Default Re: Windclan's Deputy!!

NOTE:I CHANGED MAH FORM!! UPDATED IT!!! Here ya go!! ~Eclipse

Form For Permanent Deputy:




36 moons



Pre-existing or new?:

She was made for this specific reason, but I'm gonna rp her beforehand. So... what would that be?


Wavesplash is a blue-gray she-cat with darker ear tips, paws, and tail tip. She has medium-length, soft fur. Her eyes are sapphire blue with turquoise/green flecks. She has longer, well muscled limbs and longer ears with sprouts of fur at the tips. Her tail is plumed. Her claws are smaller, but sharp, and so are her teeth.


Considerate: Wavesplash has never been self centered. She always thinks of her clanmates first, not herself. She aligns how much prey she eats with the season and how much is on the fresh-kill pile. She doesn't base it off of her own hunger. Normally, she takes every cats needs into account before making a descision.

Loyal: Wavesplash has an undying loyalty to WindClan. She would never dream of joining any other clan, becoming a rouge, loner, or kittypet. She follows the warrior code, not daring to break it. She follows commands exactly, never wavering from her task.

Involved: Wavesplash is actively involved in her can's major descisions, such as who the next deputy or medicine cat would be. She knows not to take it too far, though. She never crosses the line. Helpful, but not probing. She wouldn't like to cause stress to any cat.

Kind: Sometimes, when she needs a distraction, Wavesplash will help out clanmates that need it. She will never trick any cat. She helps when asked to, even does apprentice chores from time to time.

Shy: She isn't an outgoing kind of cat. Wavesplash is really only around cats when she chooses to be, which is around 50% of the time. The other 50% is spent near the ocean, by herself. She doesn't enjoy this alone time, though.

Serious: Wavesplash is serious about most things. Loyalty. Sacrifice. The warrior code. But her seriousness about other things isn't real. It's a shell, a mask she has created to hide what is really within.

Doesn't trust many: Wavesplash has trust issues. Ever since she was a kit, no cat thought she was good enough. Not even her parents. So that led her to trusting fewer and fewer cats, until she only trusted one. She still trusts that one today. Blazingstar. She trusts him because he is the leader, and she feels like he deserves the clan's trust.

Depressed: Depression caught her at a young age. She never feels like she's good enough. Wavesplash is always comparing herself to other cats, even though there is really nothing wrong with her. It's just what she knows, and what she has been doing for the past 30 moons.

Impatient: Though she seems patient with many cats, on the inside she is very impatient. With kits and apprentices, it's fine. She knows it takes time to master a move. But with warriors and kittypets, she snaps when she has had too much.

Emotional: When on her own, Wavesplash is a very emotional cat. She gets sad at a lot. Some cat died? Crushing. Some cat close to her was injured? Sadness. She only reveals these emotions when alone, or when other cats are feeling them.

Their drive to be deputy:

The root of all of Wavesplash's suicidal thoughts is that one thought, 'I'm useless. Would anyone care if I died?' She absolutely hates facing her depression and suicide, and refuses to see Surgestorm. So, she wants to make herself more useful, to keep her thoughts off of her crushing depression. She also wants to have a bigger role in keeping her clan safe. What better way to combine the two than to become deputy?

Sure, Wavesplash will have some minor problems at first. Her shyness will be an obstacle, but eventually she'll overcome it. She will probably get over most of her suicidal thoughts a few moons into the job. Eventually, her depression will fade, too, but occasionally her mind will wander to where her suicidal thoughts lay.

Activity (PPD):

7.26 last time I checked...

You at least two months active?:

Yes, yes, finally YES!!! XD


When creating Wavesplash, I took my personality and flaws and such. It worked out alright. So, basically, Wavesplash is me cat-ified (if that makes sense).

By the way, her prefix (Wave) comes from her pelt color and eye color, as well as the fact that it was raining very hard when she was born. The rain sounded like wave upon wave pounding at the ground. Her suffix (splash) was given because cats see her near the ocean a lot. She also likes to play around in water sometimes.

Also, if she isn't picked for dep, I'll still roleplay her because she seems like a good cat to roleplay, and I've kind of gotten attached to her... :heartballoon4:

Plot ideas?:

Maybe at some point Wavesplash tells Blazingstar and Surgestorm of her previous suicidal thoughts and depression. Then, with some pressing, she gives in and tells them her backstory.

RP Sample(link or type it out):

Originally Posted by Eclipse View Post

Wavesplash lay on the soft moor grass and watched the water. The endless cycle of lapping water always fascinated her. Wave after wave after wave... ever since the dawn of time. A steady, rhythmatic sound. To some, calming, to others, annoying. But to Wavesplash, it was the pound of the battle raging in her mind. 'Just jump. No cat cares anyway.' Her suicidal thought almost overwhelmed her, before being subsided. Then, she thought logically. Over and over, on and on. As well as the beauty of the ocean, Wavesplash had seen its power. Once a cat was out there, it was almost impossible to get back to shore. Even though it was her namesake, Wavesplash didn't dare swim in the ocean. She knew it would kill her. Sometimes she wanted to, but Wavesplash never gave to the suicidal thoughts in her mind. She sometimes wished she had some cat to share it with. A friend. But Wavesplash never had any friends. The loneliness and depression had taken hold of her at a young age. The other apprentices had avoided her because she was "different". But her one dream was to become deputy, and maybe leader. She knew it was far-fetched, but if she tried, it could happen.

there's courage in being terrified, but still going forward.

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