Thread: SkyClan Nursery
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Old May 29th, 2017, 09:34 AM
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Default Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Noire View Post

Redkit didn't know much about the war. Except for the fact that her mother didn't want them close to the mouth of the den. That they were to stay hidden from the prowling eyes of the others. The small she kit only obeyed her mother, and cowered behind her brothers. Her fur was shaking to no end. And, she couldn't vouch for her brother; Beachkit. Or her mother. Now, all she knew was that they were in the medicine cat's den, and even if she wanted to know more, she was afraid to ask. She was still getting used to the larger tom that she knew as her father. Her mother always had great things to say about him, and personally Redkit felt that she would come to admire him.

As of the moment, the small red pelted kit was asleep. Her head snuggled on top of her fluffy brother, Sagekit. With her tail covering a nose. Right now she was content. Though she preferred to be in the presence of all her brothers. She loved to snuggle. Whether it we with her mother or brothers. Redkit felt that she needed someone close to her in order for her to get a peaceful sleep.

Especially knowing that her mother and brother were in the medicine cat's den. Redkit felt that it wouldn't be fun to be confined within the medicine cat's den. She only hoped that mommy and her brother would be okay. It was never fun to be sick either.

Just then, Redkit lifted her tail from her nose, allowing scent to fill her nostrils. A scent that she was getting quite familiar with. Redkit shifted her position, so that her head was turned away from the entrance of the den. She nuzzled into her brother's sleeping form, her ears twitched.

Slowly, she brought her head up, her small body shaking. She turned to face the other way, and her eyes greeted the tan Abyssinian. At first, she only stared at him, her eyes blinking. A little yawn escaped her mouth, and she laid no heed to her fluffed out pelt; sticking out as if she were some sort of spiked animal.

There was no doubt that her body was still trembling, which made her press further into Sagekit's fluffy pelt. She landed a small paw upon Strikerkit's pelt, as if she was trying to assure herself that he was breathing. That he was still there.

Redkit felt the presence of her father. She looked up, meeting his gaze. She could see quite the difference between them. He was a large cat, but since she was a kit, she thought everything was quite large in her comparison. And, it's not like he scared her at all. When she first met him, she was able to crack the mystery since Beachkit liked to explore around. The fact that the tom had such a tantalizing resemblance to her brothers, wasn't it obvious?

Redkit stumbled from between her brothers, trying to get out the cozy spot of the nest. She almost fell, but picked herself up, and carefully set a paw out until she was at the edge of the nest the three laid upon.

The she kit gazed expectantly at her father, hoping that he had come with good news about her mother or brother. Gently she brought herself to bump her head to his front paw, nuzzling it.

"Is mommy and Beachkit still sick?" She asked, bringing herself to look at him, and her nose twitched.
Cliffheart hadn't had an Nintentuon if explaining things ti them. He didn't know where ti behind or how to out it in terms that they would understand. They wouldn't know anything if he told them everything. That Scorchedpteal was fighting and recieved a blow on the side of her neck, nearly missing the aortic valve that would have killed her. That Beachkit had disobeyed and snuck into the battle. That Beachkit had tried to help his Mom, only to almost be kidnapped by her opponent. That her opponent was their parents worst enemy, Onyx. That Scorchedpetal had done more damage to herself by getting up to save Beachkit, saving him from a trapped life in the Syndicate.

They wouldn't understand. Either that or they would understand and be terrified of ever leaving the nest again. He didn't want that for his Little Stars. He wanted them to be confident and brave little Warriors. He wanted them to be kind and compassionate, with a fierce love, just like their mother. That's what he wanted them to be.

He didn't want them to be scared little apprentices, having grown up with the horrors of what happens in battle. He didn't want them living in fear. Cliffheart had done that before. He was doing it right now and he didn't wish this much fear, worry and heartache on any one, not even his worst enemy.

At the stirring of Redkit, he smiled softly down, pushing away al, his worrisome thoughts. His only daughter was awake, coming to see him. He watched as she carefully picked her way out of the nest, not disturbing her brothers. He nuzzled her head softly, a soothing, rumbling our erupting from his throat.

At her question though, his purring stopped. He didn't want to answer it completely truthfully. No they weren't sick, Mommy was still very close to dying. Beach kits leg was still broken. He couldn't tell his daughter that! "They're doing better, but they have to stay with Ebonyfrost for now, okay? As soon as they start to get better, I will take you, and Strikerkit, and Sagekit to go see them, okay my Little Star?" He asked, his voice gentle and reassuring, though he didn't know if he was trying to reassure Redkit or himself,
~Mony will forever be my Twin Star~
~~ yo it’s nighty ~~
~~ I’m trying to come back. All my character will be scrapped and I’ll be starting over. Some of my characters will remain in Starclan, all my main ones. They’re open for roleplay if you would like that. Other than that I’m starting over completely. ~~