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Old June 5th, 2017, 03:27 PM
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ChameweonRainbow ChameweonRainbow is offline
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Default Re: SkyClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Duskflight View Post
{No, no, you're fine!!}

Grousestar had been spending more and more time in his den, simply pondering things, perhaps alliances with the clans. While he was sure that he was on relatively good ground with all of them, he wanted to form an alliance. To have a clan that he knew he could rely on if ever they needed to rely on them. But with making an alliance, you can also make an enemy and at the moment? Grousestar did not particularly like the idea of making an enemy. His clan had seen enough battle in the past moons and he'd truly like to avoid that for a good long while longer. And he was also partially worried about the Syndicate, yes he knew that Skyclan had won, but had they destroyed them? Was that the last they would ever hear of the Syndicate? Likely not, as much as he hoped that the horrendous group had disbanded, fallen to shambles after the death of their co-commander, he had something inside of him nagging to say that they were still there and were scheming to get revenge. That's just the bunch of cats they seemed to be. Regardless of his current thoughts, his eyes cleared as he heard the sound of approaching pawsteps, but not the usual sound.
Flicking an ear, his head would raise and he would truly focus on who was entering his den. It took a moment for him to recognize who it is before he promptly wore a bright, cheery smile, sitting up in his nest.
"Ah, Neverfalter! A surprise that I would find you in my den. For what do I owe this delightful visit?"
Questioned the leader with a purr to his voice, maintaining that happy and friendly demeanor while internally reading that the other cat looked quite miserable and upset. Whatever he was coming in here for, it had to be bad news. And that's the last thing that the brown tabby wanted at the moment, more bad news.
Still, he remained as he had begun and continued to hold the smile as he awaited an answer from the warrior.
The quivering tom pulled his head from beneath his paws. though he dared not move more than that. He still sat huddled and trembling, his eyes and face damp with tears. The young warrior looked so small and vulnerable as if a mere breeze would shatter him like ice. "Um, I, I wanted to ... uh.. to ah." Neverfalter could not seem to speak. His voice a hoarse whisper and unable to find the words. He gulped and tried again. "I came to say.. that... that I'm thinking of leaving." His ears lay flat in shame and he groveled as if trying to disappear into the ground. "I... I just can't take it anymore.. being so useless. I swore an oath to protect my clan as a warrior and I've failed at every turn!" Tears now openly streamed down his face and he was hyperventilating now. He looked straight into Grousestar's eyes, his own eyes seemingly oceans of anguish and fear, before shutting them tight. He curled tighter and held his breath...
Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone happy
Is the most sad...

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