Thread: Seastones
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Old June 6th, 2017, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: Seastones

Originally Posted by moonfang View Post

{ eh i'll finish this rp with you guys <3 }
"Hummingpaw," Scorchedpetal growled lowly, before she lifted her head to the loner and gave a smile. Telling by the movement and the other she-cat, she meant no harm. She smiled and dipped her head to her. "Hello, and Hummingpaw is right, this belongs to us all, mostly belonging to the sea. No scent ever stays except the one of the salt in the water." she stated. "My name is Scorchedpetal, and, like I said this young one is Hummingpaw. Beside me is Opalflame." she said, and then gave a warm smile. "If it isn't a crime to ask, but what is your business here? It is obvious you are not of the clans, nor are you of the Syndicate." she asked, tilting her head. She hated the Syndicate, and was relieved this one had no scent of it. She examined the molly, looking up and down from her. She breathed in, trying to sense others but to no luck. Maybe she was a traveling loner? Or a rogue with good acting skills. The way Cliffheart was thinking was starting to soak into her own mindset and so she breathed in and turned to the apprentice. "Hummingpaw, calm yourself. We show no threat unless they do. We are new here, remember?" she warned.
{ @InfernoFlicker @Lilly }
@Lilly @moonfang @starfall

Elumen shifted her weight from her left shoulder to her right slightly as the trio of cats went into introductions, explanations, and questions. This strange cat was very observant; she picked up on the short-temperedness of the younger cat---Hummingpaw, so it seemed. She had been able to tell almost instantly upon first glance of the group before her; his furrowed brows and down-facing cranium offered her subtle cues. By understanding one's body language, one can determine whether or not the opposite creature intends harm or intends friendliness. Hummingpaw didn't intend harm, that was for sure---but he didn't offer a friendly demeanor either. A thought of amusement briefly crossed the back of Elumens mind; for some reason, the behaviors of grumpy cats was rather funny to the bobtail. She could already tell that, despite this young one's dismissive expression, she could like this tom.

Her attention briefly drifted to the cat in the middle---Scorchedpetal was her name. A ferocious title to match such a bold stature, Elumen noted. This fae seemed to be the leader of the group; she could tell by the high position this cat held her head, and of course by the commands she gave to her companions. Scorchedpetal offered her a smile, and the loner knew she meant to be friendly as well.

Finally, Elumen examined the third and older tom, Opalflame. This cat intrigued her. From what she could tell, this feline was the watch and guard over the other members of his patrol. She could sense his gaze over-watching everyone here, his stance sturdy and ready to act if anything were to get out of hand. Yet, he was also relaxed; a sign of confidence, and perhaps trust...a trust in his own ability to protect, or a trust in his capable companions? He was watching her with furrowed brows. He had previously ordered her to come out of her hiding place, clearly wanting to know what the danger was, if danger was a possibility. Even though his gaze bore into hers, she found herself admiring this cat---he had a strong sense of nobility, in her eyes.

All of this had passed through Elumen's mind in milliseconds, and she returned Hummingpaw's exasperation remarks in due time, "Indeed, I am not familiar with your protocols regarding marked land---pardon me, 'territory'," Elumens tone was calmly structured and respectful, "And yet, I am familiar with other cat groups called 'clans', a good several sunrises away from here. I wonder if you run things similarly?" This question was more likely her just speaking her own thoughts aloud, and she turned to gaze off into the trees for a moment while she had this thought. Then she continued after just a moment and said, "Nevermind that, that's not important. What is important, however, is that you understand why I am here, on your land--territory, that is--or, whatever four clans that collectively owns these rocky ocean shores, as you say. Anyway, I am to be called Elumen, or Elu, as I allow those closest to me to call me. My only business here is to search for a warm and safe place to rest---I had originally planned on sheltering among these boulders, but then when we remarkably crossed paths I had already expected them to be claimed by some creature or another. Not to worry---they are all yours. My only request is to be permitted to reside here a few nights, so that I may be able to restore my aching paws and empty stomach, so I may continue on my rather...non-destinational journey."

After her well thought-out explanation, she stood quietly, patiently awaiting a response from them, mostly expecting something similar to 'Access denied. Scram.' However, she knew well that her presumptions couldn't always be trusted. Sometimes, the kindness of some creatures came through in the most unexpected places.
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