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Old June 9th, 2017, 09:08 AM
Fallpotato's Avatar
Fallpotato Fallpotato is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Gender: Male
Posts: 12,706
My Mood: Amazed


Name ‡ Desertstream
Age ‡ 23 moons
Desired Rank ‡ deputy
Personality ‡ caring, warm hearted, can be cold, hopeful and ambitious
Appearance ‡ a dirty sand colored pelt with fiery orange eyes
Physical Strengths ‡ hunting, fighting
Physical Weaknesses ‡ killing, socializing XD,
Fears ‡ dying, never having a family of his own, letting the clan down
(Desired) Relations crush is open, brother is open (idk if that's what u meant lol)
Other ‡ having a good day?
Roleplay Sample ‡ so I have too we've roleplayed a lot. =1
Whoever is reading this you deserve all the love and support from everyone. If youre ever sad you dont deserve to be sad. ILY!!