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Old June 9th, 2017, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

The calico feline bounded a few ways away, stopping once to flick her tail, and look back to make sure the tom was following her. It was never good to be sedentary, always sitting around and making useless works of your bones. Splotchfeather was the type of feline that had plenty of energy wherever she went. Trying to be a bright sun in a cloudy sky, or even if it were night, the moon that shine through a starless sky. Anything that made others accept her friendly expression and helpful intentions. And, based on the tom in front of her, he seemed to need all the help he could get. The way he had stared into her eyes had given her a small fright. It was like she was reading his entire story, a heartbreaking one that she felt that she was experiencing his own heartbreak. Who could had done this to such a...sweet tom? Splotchfeather, herself didn't experience much with love, but she knew it was a sacred thing. A treasure thing to behold that most cats took for granted. Some might ask her how come the pretty calico hadn't took in any tom as a mate. It wasn't that she was closed to the idea. She was far too stuck in the clouds, chasing after butterflies, or teaching her apprentice, Foxpaw some new lessons. No tom in the clan ever took her attention away. Being quite the naive, sweet kitty, there were bound to be others that tried to take advantage of her. That was the least of her problems, however. She preferred to be the bouncy feline that brought a spark of hope around others.

And, Yarrowpounce? He looked like he would need all the hope she could give him. Hope was a valuable and easy to lose sight of in the darkness. "All you need is a little exercise, and I'm sure you'll be brand new!" She snickered, teasingly. She didn't want to take him that far. She didn't know how well he would do. Then again, he was around an energetic she cat that could either run him away for life or one that he wished to come back any time. Splotchfeather was quite the unpredictable kitty. One moment she would be paying attention. And the next moment, she would be in a daydream or bounding off after something exciting. It wasn't that she was being rude, but more so her attention span was short, and quite annoying--given to the other cats.

Splotchfeather had flicked her tail, twitching her ears. "Hunting you say!" She mused, her voice held excitement. "I love hunting! I try to do it everyday! You know to pitch in for the clan! I'm not the best hunter, but I can certainly catch a good meal! Probably a bird or two. If I'm lucky to get the meatiest of the animals," she licked her jaws, and for a moment showed a sparkle of her white fangs. "You know sitting around and doing nothing, you might as well join the elders den." She mused, sadly. The tom looked too young to retire to the elders' den. He looked pretty workable, just depressed. For a moment, Splotchfeather understood this. Albeit, she didn't know what the exact reason as to why he felt this way. She just vowed to do whatever it took to get him out that lonely corner. Anything at all. "You don't want Grousestar to notice you not pitching in the duties. You're a fine young warrior! You have a lot to look forward to if you focus on how clear the blue skies are. It's a Starclan blessing that you're able to wake up daily and start over." She says, her mind calm and happy. Never had she wanted to endure the past that shaped her. She wasn't a constant change. Even after losing her mother and brothers at a young age, she pretty much stayed a positive feline all her life. She knew that the past brought bitter reminders, and the future brought unwanted worries, so she relied on the present. The here and the now to guide her. And every day that she woke up, reminds her of the new choices she would make in order to make up for yesterday.

At the mention of her singing from earlier, the she cat answered, "I don't sing that song often, silly." She tells him, and for a moment she brought herself away from his attention, staring at a hovering dragonfly. She sat down to admire the pretty coloring it had, and wished that it would lower itself down so that she could bound after it. Though it would had been rude, considering she had company beside her, so she shook her head and started walking around again, throwing smiles at the other cats. "It's just a song that I remembered my mother singing when one of us would sit alone. It really got us to open up!" She exclaimed, probably louder than she was supposed to. "Every line was different, I just assumed that..." Once again, the she cat trailed off, and she bounded over towards a broken branch, a small caterpillar walking among it. She bent her head to stare at it, crossing her eyes for a moment, giving an odd look. She made a giggle, and with a paw, gently shrug the creature off the branch. Splotchfeather had brought her head, shaking herself slightly. "I always sing. It soothes my soul." She admits, brushing her tail to the side before she continued on. The feline remembered from earlier how he complimented her voice. Splotchfeather was a humble she cat, never really liking the idea of compliments thrown her way. They always made her out of place, or sheepish. Yes, she had been applaud for her beautiful voice, or either her nice personality. It was always nice to know that she was doing something right in her life. She would had felt herself blushing under her pelt like whenever she received a compliment in general. "I love singing to the kits in the nursery!" She giggled. Not only would she be surrounded by the adorable scraps of fur, but also she would give the queens a break from handling their own kits. Splotchfeather never minded kitsitting, and figured that if she ever had her own, she would never find the courage to leave them. She could practically envision herself, singing to the little products that she bore. Oh, how the future seemed so far! "Or even Greystep! You have to meet him by the way! I think the two of you would become the greatest of friends!" She spoke in her happy, care-free tone. It was something about Yarrowpounce that reminded the feline of her good friend, Greystep. They both were stammering messes, and quite the awkward toms. In her opinion, at least. Greystep was just a cat that liked to be alone, but there was something much different when it came to Yarrowpounce. Splotchfeather couldn't detect what is was, but as long as she stuck around, she was sure that it would be easier to take notice of.

The feline figured that he was a loving tom indeed. And, much of a gentleman. If such sorrowness was keeping him drowning--what was it that he was hiding? That broke him into little pieces? What a sad shame! No cat should ever have to go through such an amount of displeasure. As she continued to walk along, a light bounce in her step, she tells him, "I am very much interesting in learning much about you, if you're comfortable with telling me." She shrugged, offering him a friendly smile. "It must be tough! And I blame myself for not noticing you any time sooner!" Seeing his blank expression, the sadness in his eyes when she had first approached him, tugged at her heart. Splotchfeather hated seeing sad faces on other cats. They made her uncomfortable, but at the same time wanted since she loved to cheer many and all up!

Flicking her ears, she gently brushed against him, just to make sure he was holding up well. Splotchfeather remembered the way his legs wobbled as he tried to get up. It was a sad sight. She needed to work with him in order to get him back on the right track. On the path of reliving his hope once more. "You're being hard on yourself." She didn't know what made her say it, but it was out there. He was being hard on himself after all. Just sitting in a corner and refusing to let up because of his depression. It could had been anything that made the tom so sullen, so miserable!

Why did it bother her so much? She was like this with many of the other cats. And it always had bothered her in the first place. She had not paid any heed to notice his tears. Her mind had wandered to elsewhere, but as she peered at him, she could notice the small wet spot around his eyes, and she wanted to doubt that they were tears. But now she could see him closely. And, as they walked, all she could do was stare at him. Trying to decipher the reason he was such a downer. Living in a sad tragedy that the feline herself never understood. It had to be that he lost someone he loved dearly. As she had when she lost her mother and brothers. Had he lost his parents? Siblings? A mate? Or any other kin? Perhaps even a dear friend?

Splotchfeather did not want to pry too much in his business, so she only stared at him, her yellow eyes beaming towards him, and focused on him attentively. It may make the tom uncomfortable with the intensity of her stare. But she failed to notice a small twig in front of her, and it made her almost trip over her own paws. Her eyes became wide, and she turned to stare in front of her; wide eyed. Her breathing had hitched, but she was alright. She giggled, "That's why you should always pay attention to the path in front of you." She purred at her clumsiness. Additionally, that's what she get for staring too much.

This time she paid attention to the path they were walking along. She looked down at her small paws and purposely began hopping with them, and laughing at her kit like behavior. Her eyes looked towards the birds, singing their madrigals in the trees. She didn't understand their twittering, but she hummed along anyway, enjoying the musicless tune. Badly she wished to play with her company, her restless state coming over, but she didn't know if Yarrowpounce was in any condition to play a game of tag, a game of hide and seek, or even a game of play fight. Her tail waved frantically behind her, but she kept a level of calmness. She could at least try to get him to be more opened up. To try and get that broken heart of his pieced together. To try anything to not see him laying in that corner any longer. As much as she knew, Yarrowpounce was done being alone. She was sure of it.

So bounding a few moments away from him, she made a sharp turn, standing in front of him, bending down and putting her rump in the air in a playful stance. Her tail swayed gently behind her, and her eyes held amusement. She gave him a bright smile, before slowly bringing herself up for a second, laughing it off. She then turned back around, and started to trot off, flicking her tail at him as she sauntered about.
Ahhh! It took my a century to find this Dx

Bumpers for @Duskflight

Last edited by Brilliance; June 9th, 2017 at 10:40 PM.