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Old June 22nd, 2017, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Sage View Post

Sagewhisker sighed. This where she would have been staying now, if you hadn't adopted Sycamorekit. But, she didn't regret a thing. She padded over to her old nest and smelt a new scent on it. Sagewhisker scowled. Great! Someone took my nest, now I'll have to build a new one. She sighed heavily and shook her head. The charcoal colored molly shook her head and stretched her legs out in front of her before yawning. She stood back up and spotted a pile of heather in one of the corners of the den.
She padded over to the pile of heather and took some of the heather stalks in her jaws. Sagewhisker turned back around and stalked over to a bare patch of ground. The new warriors should enjoy these nests. She thought, smiling. The ginger patched molly laid the heather stalks down and began to braid them together.

{ sorry it's so short :/ }
(It's all good! Mine isn't the longest either xP)

Movement woke Owlspark, who rolled onto his belly with a great yawn. The large tom shook off a piece of heather from his head, watching it fall back into his nest. He looked around the den, noting that he must've slept in later than planned, as it was nearly empty. Oops, he thought with a wince.

He turned his attention to what had woken him. A molly- he was fairly sure her name was Sagewhisker- was building a nest. He watched curiously; he was fairly certain she had an adoptive kit and was sleeping in the nursery for now, but he wondered if she was moving back in, as she was clearly making a sleeping spot out of fresh heather. "Hello," he called out to her cheerfully. He made sure to keep his voice soft, so he wouldn't disturb the few warriors still snoozing away. "Moving back in?" He questioned.

While he waited for her response, the tabby begun his morning stretches, reaching his front paws out as far as he could before curling his back in an exaggerated motion. He shook out his fur afterwards to ensure no more bedding was stuck in it before settling back down into a sitting position and resting his tail over his paws.