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Old June 25th, 2017, 10:56 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Shadomaru View Post
The sound of her voice relaxed him more and he felt completely loose. She was right he just needed to find those he belong around. Though he believed he had already found that cat. He just needed to not be scared and embarrassed and just tell her. Then she went back to hunting and he nodded. "You do have a point. It looks like it's going to be a big one as well." He smiled when she asked to hunt with her. "Of course I will hunt with you." He said. Now his head was held high. "And I'll be sure t protect you if you're scared." He purred in amusement.
Blackfrost was delighted when he agree to hunt with her and she couldn’t help but give a little bound of excitement. “Great, I’m glad you’ll join me.” She said with a cheerful smile on her maw as she gleamed up at him with her deep green-hued eyes. The she-cat giggled slightly at his next statement, nudging him gently with one paw, “You should be honored for me to give you such a job, Crowhawk, I usually would say that I don’t need such protection - but for you, I’ll make an exception.” Blackfrost’s fur seemed to grow warm at the sound of his amused purring, making her smile never leave her face. “Let’s head out then, you silly bee-brain.” The warrior remarked and padded off with a certain happiness in her step, caused by his admired company.
[ Continued in Shadowclan Territory ]