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Old July 3rd, 2017, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil View Post
The inky deputy was at a complete loss for words. How was it even possible for one cat to lose so many loved ones in the same way? But, surely there was someone in the world who have suffered worse? Auroraflame was fortunate to still have her clan mates around her. Other cats across the world were living in solitude with no one to help them through the tough times. She just had to remember what was waiting for her when she awoke from this dream. But then how could she if every time she got back up, something knocked her back down? She had to stay strong. She was a strong she-cat, she would live through this. She just had to find a light.
The ebony feline didn’t move a single muscle as she stared at her sister. It took all of her willpower to not cry out in pain. It wouldn’t be a cry of physical pain, but emotional pain. Auroraflame was honestly much stronger when it came to tolerating physical pain, but she could be rather weak emotionally. For her, words stabbed harder than claws. The tears rolled down silently from her icy hues and there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop them. Whenever she could, the she-cat would avoid crying around others, but there were times when she wasn’t afraid to cry. Sometimes, she just needed to let others know that she was hurting.
She’s dead. You should’ve been there to save her. The words ran around in her mind over and over. At this point in time, the she-cat wished that she could go back in time and fight with her sister. Maybe it was her fault that Lioncry was dead. They were sisters, they were supposed to protect each other. But she hadn’t been there for her. “I-I should’ve been there! I should’ve protected you!” Auroraflame blurted suddenly. Great, now she was feeling guilty for her sisters death. She knew that it wasn’t her fault, but she couldn’t help it. The feeling of guilt and regret kept nagging her.
Of all cats to lose, it just had to be Lioncry. Sure, she would be sad for the death of any of her clan mates, but this was different. This was her sister. The cat who had comforted her in times of despair, the cat who had stood by her when she was being pushed around. She still had Ferretnose and Sycamorebranch, but things weren’t quite the same with them. Lioncry was different, she was a sibling and a best friend.
“I love you too,” Auroraflame whispered, closing her eyes as she felt her sister’s fur against her’s. Lifting her left paw, she placed it around Lioncry’s neck and hugged her sister fiercely. She didn’t ever want to move, she wanted to stay like this and never let go. The deputy didn’t want to wake up, she wanted to stay here, beside her sister. Things would never be the same for her again, but she had no choice. She just had to move on and keep her head up high. But for now, she would just focus on the present and embrace the moment.

Hidden by the leaves of a thick bush, a starry pelted cat lay still and observant. His golden gaze peered through the leaves curiously as he waited and waited. He watched, as the she-cat padded along cautiously, and he watched as her fur bristled. Lionfrost desperately wanted to jump out, cuddle her and tell her that everything was okay. But he held himself back. His gaze followed her as she ducked behind a leafy plant. A few moments past till finally, he couldn’t stop himself. Rising to his paws slowly, he emerged from the bush, mixing in with the silvery fog that surrounded StarClan’s territory.

Amongst the mist, Lionfrost looked like a dark figure that loomed over everything else. But as he got closer and closer to his lover, that image disappeared. “Ivybreeze….” He whispered, his words getting carried away as a soft breeze gushed by. The pain in his hues was evident as he looked at the American Shorthair. He still remembered everything so clearly.

He was padding in the territory, when suddenly, something jumped on him. He whipped around. Wrong Move. Her claws sunk deep into his throat and just like that, everything had been stripped away from him. He hadn’t even been able to register what was going on, it had all just happened so quickly.

“Come out,” He said softly, holding back the tears. It hurt him to see her in this state, but he had to stay strong. Maybe, he would just have to forget that he was now apart of StarClan for a bit.
She instinctively shrunk further into the fern's cover as she saw a dark outline of a cat rise up. Twitching her ears, she faintly heard it speak, but didn't catch on to what it had said. Slowly, the figure got smaller until it was down to her size. Shaking, she tasted the air and found a familiar scent hit her tongue. Lionfrost? No, her mate was dea-everything hit her like a speeding monster. She shook the terrible memories away, trying to forget.

His beautiful fur soaked with his own blood and the haunting look on his face when she had gazed upon his body. Ivybreeze desperately licking the blood off of his fur and gazing miserably at his broken form.

Thinking that her mind was being toyed with, she spoke in a bitter tone. "Only if you come out first, you monster..." Her last word was filled with fear. Was this her mate's killer? But then why would they come to her? They had succeeded anyways. She sunk lower to the ground so that her belly fur was pressed up against the dirt and her claws were unsheathed into the ground to keep her steady.

"So go on, dare me to lose, dare me to move
Dare me to run
And you can dare me to prove something to you
Is that what you want?"-Dare, Daya
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