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Old July 6th, 2017, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Brooklyn Trees View Post
Sleep did not come easily to the ginger feline. It never did. Every moment that her eyes were closed, the hidden memories that she forced away in waking hours would dance in front of her, blurred through time and ignorance, and distorted with fear, but nevertheless capable of keeping her awake.
Tonight was bad though, and often she would walk through the territory to calm her mind enough to gain an unconscious state upon her return to her nest. These had been one of those nights where she had done this, having left the confines of the camp a short time before. Now she would run.

It never really mattered where to, or even if there was a destination at all. Running helped on some deeper level than she could comprehend. It was escaping these things that haunted her mind, but it was also escaping the world.
And altogether, not truly escaping anything.
She ran until her limbs grew as weary as her mind and heart, she ran until her breaths lost their steady rhythm and became heavier, until her chest heaved to draw in adequate oxygen. Only until this happened would she slow her pace to a stop.

Here, standing amongst the foliage and trees of her beloved territory, she closed her eyes, trying to regulate her breaths again.
On a night – not quite unlike this one – many, many moons ago, she had ventured from the camp like this at night, with Thornbright and had found the rogue.
The Rogue.
Time had worn his name from Gingerwish's memory, leaving his image a paled and shattered form and his scent washed dry and tasteless from moons of absence.
If she were to see him now, she may not have recognized him. The Rogue.
But that was okay. He was gone, left. She doubted that she would ever cross his worn path again.
Darkshadow wandered the forest and came upon a white cat with claws soaked in blood. behind the cat layed many motionless bodies of cats that smelled of clan born. Darkshadow backed up in fear as he went to take a step back, he couldn't find a place to put his hind leg realizing as he glanced back that he no longer was in the forest with his back to a cliff edge. When he turned to look back at the white cat that reeked of death and was covered in blood, the cat instantly pounced for darks neck. Not being able to act in time darkshadow felt the cat bite deeply into his neck crushing his throat with a swift and heavy bite to darkshadows throat. He closes his eyes in pain believing this was his end.
Darkshadow opens his eyes seeing he is back in his nest. It was just a dream, thank goodness.. still feeling very shaken up from it, he desides to leave his makeshift nest in the abandoned fox den and get some air outside. That was intense.. I wonder why I had that dream. I wonder if it meant anything.. Darkshadow thought to himself. well whatever, if it was important it will happen again. I think I will go for a walk before I head back to sleep again. So darkshadow stands up and starts walking around. after he walks through the forest a bit, he stops dead in his tracks when he notices a scent vaguely familiar. That scent... I know this scent but.. who or what is this scent coming from.. He follows the scent until he knew that he was about to find out what was the origin of this familiar scent. The scent is just beyond this bush.. When his curiosity hit it's peak, he finally enters the bush and pokes his head out just enough to see into the clearing. What he saw was a she-cat with gingerfur standing alone breathing heavily with her eyes closed. When he saw this cat he immediately blurted out without thinking "Gingerwish?"

Last edited by darkblazingstar; July 6th, 2017 at 06:14 PM.
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