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Old July 7th, 2017, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
Rasberrybubble blinked," Why Riverclan? They are our enemy. How about going to Windclan, Thunderclan, or Skyclan?" She asked quietly padding forward. (Wait. Is the patrol going to camp or to Riverclan?)
Originally Posted by Splash View Post

Wispdance's eyes widened at the news. They were just about to destroy RiverClan, and now they were asking for help? At least RiverClan didn't know their original intentions. The ebony-black she-cat debated running after Halestar- after all, RiverClan may be feeling hostile- but she decided against it. Halestar had told her to go back to camp and help, and even if she didn't like it, she had to obey. Narrowing her eyes in determination, Wispdance spun around and raced back in the direction of camp, her long legs propelling her. She tried to advoid wet needles that would cause her to slip, and soon entered the camp, glancing around for someone to help. It still was her night to shine, as a savior rather than a soldier. 'Wispdance the Savior'. The silver-eyed she-cat smiled. She liked the sound of that.
Originally Posted by Darkclaws View Post

(I must apologize once more for the late reply, my family has been sick(Not sure if this is too late though))
Darkclaws' eyes widened with worry but quickly calmed as the deputy of the clan informed Halestar of the news. After all his parents were practically elders and his many brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews weren't exactly the best of swimmers. "I'm with you Goldeneye!" The tom proclaimed raising his tail to his temple as a salute. He looked towards the other cats to see their reactions.
(( @Chameleon I believe that Halestar is going to Riverclan on her own, the rest of the patrol, however, is going back to the starting-to-flood camp to save the rest of the clan :3
That's what I believe anyways, as I don't know for sure :3 ))

"Riverclan is the closest clan," Goldeneye said quickly, looking at Rasberrybubble, "So they're our best bet currently." He added, he knew he was speaking up slightly, but Halestar needed to go to Riverclan and ask for shelter as soon as possible. "Besides, what they don't know won't hurt them." He said quickly, as he knew it was true. As long as Riverclan didn't find out, they would be fine. Watching Wispdance, he blinked, before realizing that the she-cat was heading back to Shadowclan. The Tom was slightly relieved by how excited the she-cat was, and almost wanted to warn her about the mud. Either way, he decided against it, as he had the rest of the patrol to pull together.

He was happy to hear that Darkclaws was on his side, the other Tom would never know how relieved the deputy was to hear that. Nodding to the tom, Goldeneye then looked at the remaining members of the patrol. "We need to go back to camp!" He said quickly, still slightly unnerved. "Anyone who doesn't want to help can just..." the tom shrugged, "You get what I mean! Anyhow! Let's go!" He said urgently, before starting to sprint as best as he could, trying to hide his fear, though it was there. He couldn't exactly control his breathing as he was running however, creating painful gasps. However, he couldn't stop, not until everyone was safe! That was the one thing that kept him going, paws pounding on the muddy ground.
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