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Old July 11th, 2017, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Hollydawn235 View Post
Branchpaw sighed,"Well, it's just that... My father is unknown, so the only cats nice to me are my mother... And now... You.... I hope," Branchpaw looked away from Shadekit, again trying to hide his crushed expression. He sighed again,"Now, you'll probably start to make fun of me like everyone else won't you?" He whispered sadly.
Shadekit backed up and sat down, staring hard at his friends face, which Branchpaw hid from him. A thirst, he had a numb drone in his head, like he was prossesingbthe information. At first he didn't get it, no way anybody would make fun of something like that? Just because a parent left, doesn't mean Branchpaw could be teased. Branchpaw crouched down, so he could try and see a sliver of his friend's eyes' "I'm not going to make fun of you" He assured, his tail waving back in forth in an eager way, "just because you don't know your father, doesn't mean I can make fun of you."

He sat back from his leaned position and crinkled up his face, he felt empathy for Branchpaw, even though Shadekit had no idea what he was going through he wouldn't want to feel that way. He closed his eyes for a second and thought of the aches and pains. The feelings Branchpaw got whenever a cat made fun of him. His only trusted friends were him and his mother, which was totally unfair since Branchpaw was an amazing cat. Shadekit shifted his gaze momentarily to the ground, where his paws stared digging in the dirt as he flexed them "whoever those cats are, I'll use my awesome attack skills and teach them a lesson or two." Shadekit vowed, nodding with determination as he looked up at Branchpaw.