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Old July 11th, 2017, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by BluBunny View Post
(I am sorry for the late reply, i had this response typed up and I went to use the bathroom and my parents decided to close out the tab... ugh)
Originally Posted by BluBunny View Post

The brown molly watched carefully as the other she-cat began to get more angry. She had definitely touched a nerve, the words Forestpelt threw at Mousesong didn't really bother her. She was used to harsh words, "It takes a cat who's been through suffering to recognize it in another. I mean, what other cat could you rant to? Not many other cats would understand and like you said, you don't know me so I have no bias against you or for you." Mousesong shrugged. "It seemed to me you just needed a cat to talk to. Why not take out your anger on a stranger rather then someone you know?" She finished, although she sounded wise she was really just repeating what another cat told her when she blew up on them. She remembered being in Forestpelts position, she was so angry at the cat. Her blue eyes met the green ones of Forestpelt as she awaited another angry remark.
Forestpelt hated that what Mousesong was saying almost sounded like it could be right. She despised that fact. And her eyes snapped again, anger showing in them, her fury having no end. "Just. shut. up." She growled, her tone low and dangerous, her eyes full of hatred towards the other cat. She seriously despised Mousesong, and chances were that this cat would not become a friend. After all, Forestpelt already wasn't good at making friends and the words that Mousesong was spewing did not help her feel better. If anything, she felt ten times worse after hearing what the feline had to say. "Okay, look. I don't care about you and your wisdom - not all of us old ones are as wise and as powerful as you, oh great one. I don't care what you have to say and I really wish you'd just leave me alone." Her voice was annoyed, irritated, frustrated. Mousesong was bothering her and pretty much the whole forest should be aware of it by now. Forest green eyes snapped as they met her blue ones, awaiting a "wise and calm" response to that remark.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.
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