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Old July 11th, 2017, 01:50 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
A black and white tom entered the clearing, the smallest bounce in his step. It had been a while since he had really "hung out" with another cat... training had taken his time, and besides that, Badgerpaw didn't have a social circle. Unfortunately. He missed Lostkit... or should that be Lostpaw now? It had been a while since he had last seen her, and their games were always echoing in his mind. Had something happened to her during the battle? Badgerpaw had still been a kit at the time, tucked away safely... but he couldn't shake that feeling. Hopefully nothing had happened. Maybe he was just grasping at air, or something like that. Yellow hues scanned the clearing as he flopped down in a casual manner, tail stretched out along the ground. As a young tom, he would have taken the time to daintily lower himself down, making sure he didn't get dirty, but now having trained for a while... dirt was no big deal. It didn't bother him anymore and he realized that there was always going to be a mess involved with anything worth working for. So what? That didn't matter to him - not anymore, anyways. @lost
Small paws carried a short and scrawny gray she-cat into the clearing, Her head turned, jaws parted, as she took in the scents of her clanmates. Sadly, she couldn't name a single scent. The cat hadn't done much interacting with anyone as of late, instead opting to avoid everyone but her mentor. It has worked out so far, but the she-cat must admit she was starting to get lonely. She was craving the companionships she once had- or more specifically, the friendship with Badgerpaw. He left the nursery before her, and it was around that time they grew apart. It was primarily her fault, as she started to hide out and avoid every cat she could. Her disability was becoming a burden as she grew older. If it weren't for her mentor, she probably would have left the clan. She was ashamed of being eyeless, of not being normal.
Lostpaw was buried in her thoughts, and didn't notice until it was too late. Her paws had carried her right into another cat, and she squeaked in alarm, giving a quick 'sorry' as she stumbled back a few steps. Taking in the scent of the cat, she froze suddenly. It was familiar. The milky scent of the nursery had vanished, but it was still somehow the same. Badgerkit- now Badgerpaw.
"Oh, Badgerpaw..." She drew off, not sure what to say or do. A part of the she-cat was happy to be near him again, but the other half was feeling awkward. It's been a while. Things had changed. For one, just from the brief moment she ran into him, she could tell he had grown. While her, she had hardly grown any from when she was nearly six moons. She was more quiet, not nearly as playful and boisterous. And what about him? What was he like?
Taking a deep breath, she turned her head towards his, "How have you been?"
"Lost no. Be happy."