Thread: StarClan Camp
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Old July 12th, 2017, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: StarClan Camp

An ivory body padded rather swiftly into the vast StarClan camp area. She was not carrying any prey, it seemed that the she-cat was returning from a quiet walk through the territory. Ashwillow, a white colored angora, seated herself on top of her haunches and watched the world below the heavens.
The she-cat was looking down at Riverclan, more specifically Silentpaw, her daughter who was still alive at the time. Ashwillow's multicolored eyes shined and clouded with blank and regretful wistfulness. Ashwillow would watch Silentpaw for hours every day, she had been paying close attention to her ever since she got apprenticed, a day that her mother didn't live to see. Although the she-cat was no longer physically there to see Silentpaw, this was enough for her.
Ashwillow had noticed, ever since she had died, that Silentpaw's personality had changed. She was once so hyper and playful as a kit, though she was mute. But every since Ashwillow died, something in Silentpaw must have shattered. It broke her mothers heart, knowing that she was the cause of Silentpaw's trauma.
"Hey, Ash, what are you doing?"
Ashwillow managed to tear her eyes away from the scene to meet her mate, Stormreach's, starry eyes.
"I think it is pretty clear what I am doing," the she-cat answered with a light chuckle.
The dark gray korat tomcat sat next to his mate, watching Silentpaw with her.
"You've been watching her more frequently I noticed, she'll be fine, Ash, you and I both know," he said calmly, glancing up at the molly with his pale yellow eyes.
"I may be dead, but I'm still her mother!" Ashwillow said firmly, "I missed her apprentice ceremony, Storm, her apprentice ceremony! A mother should not miss out on such milestones! And besides, I do not want something bad to happen to her!"
Stormreach replied with a chuckle, "You worry too much, I have been watching her as well, and she is doing fine. Besides, if something does happen to her, she will be up here in StarClan with us."
Ashwillow rolled her eyes, "Yes, but I want her to live a full life! I want her to grow up and be a warrior, I want her to be able to find love!"
Stormreach sighed, "Alright," the gray tom said, "I'll be in the territory if you need anything."
And with that, the dark furred tomcat padded away from his mate and into the territory. Ashwillow looked back at him before returning her firm gaze to watching her daughter, her bright ivory tail curled around her paws, her multicolored eyes were firm and watching.
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