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Old July 13th, 2017, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Beam View Post
Fennec watched the she cat as they got their wits together. Fennecs ears perked when she stuttered, was this cat scared of him? He momentarily looked down. He hoped not, and he didn't know why. He listed closely as the Golden cat replied and apologized to him, and explained how she had lost a robin. It was unusual to have someone speed in her, Fennec had mostly been alone. Except, for the uncommon passer-through and a rare fox. it was mostly his thoughts, his trees, and him.

"it's okay." he winced as he put Lora of pressure on his left paw, sending a shock through his shoulder area. Otherwise, he was unharmed. "Are you good?" He added, trying to sound like he was welcoming, but also still masked. It wasn't everyday ran into someone, or literally ran into someone. He was tired of talking to himself in his head. It got lonely sometimes, and he never thought of taking a stroll out of his territory.

He balanced himself in a collected sitting position, although his feathery tail was streaked with dirt and his cream fur was tousled, he seemed fine. He tilted his head and looked at the other cat. All in all, she seemed unhostile and passive. "Who are you?" His voice was lighter then he expected. It was soft and quiet, like a queen helping a lost kit. It was a simple question, and possibly not the right one. He cleared his throat, "and where did you come from?" He asked, a little more sarcastic ring to his tone.

He decided to stop there, he didn't want to bombarded the shocked she-cat with questions, so he left it at a simple three: Health, Who, and Where. Even though his 'where' question was not needed, Fennec was extremely curious about the different scent the she-cat gave off. He hasn't known of it before. He blinked and shifted his gaze. Was there another clan? Oh, Fennec hopes this cat wasn't part of any sort of Clan. He heard what they'd do from surrounding gossip: they would kick other cats out and invade harmless loners' territory to make it their own. But, clan cats never strayed from their confining spaces, so why would he take his territory? It wasn't too close from the 'borders'.

He tenses, and forced himself to relax. He was just being paranoid, it was nice out and he had a relaxed mind, he was not in the mood for a bad day to suddenly rain down on him from out of the blue. Hopefully this this cat wouldn't attack him either: that would be an unfourtunate surprise.
Timid was shivering. Her whole body felt like it did whenever the little droplets of snowflakes made its appearance during Leaf-bare. She definitely knew why she shivered. She was scared. Very scared. Even if the tom didn't take on a scary appearance. He actually looked somewhat...friendly? Possibly he could be, and Timid was over reacting like she normally did. Which would be no surprise for a she cat that was practically scared of her own shadow. Upon his words, the she cat tilted her head slightly, her midnight green eyes blinking slowly. That definitely didn't sound mean at all. Slowly, she was letting her guard down, and found her head sulking as she stared at her paws, covered by her tail. Her tail wasn't very long, so that was hard for her to know she would be protected by it. For Timid, all she wanted was for someone to protect her. But, every time, she would hear Every cat for themselves. It's a kill, or be killed world. Learn to protect yourself because no one will.

The she cat was one of the most sweetest felines anyone would ever get to know. If half the cats in the syndicate weren't ruthless, she figured she would be everyone's best friend. At his question, Timid looked herself over. Aside from the occasional bump on her head, the she cat nodded vigorously. ''I'm fine!'' She squeaked, her voice cracking. It was good she wasn't stuttering. He asked if she were okay. That had to be something. Maybe...he wouldn't kill her, after all?

This made Timid almost thump her tail at the possibility that she would make it unharmed. However, she didn't bring any fresh kill back for the Syndicate fighters...she knew she was a goner if she didn't do as she was told. The she cat almost appeared down again, half-lidding her eyes in a down-casted glance. But, her ears perked at the tom, and slowly she brought her gaze to look back up at him. She wasn't sure if she should tell him her name. After all, he was a stranger to her. Timid didn't like meeting strangers. Then again, it could make up for her plummeting into him pretty hard. The she cat stood to her paws, but it was obvious how petite she stood. Mainly due to the lack of height in her legs. Bashfully, she turned her head away from him, pinning her ears flat. ''I'm Timid.'' It was quite the odd name, but it described her to the core. She was timid...afraid of everything. And, this was only given to her because the queen that nursed her, constantly felt her shivers. ''I'm from...umm...'' Timid looked behind her; the way home. A home that definitely wasn't hers, nor did she belong there. Nor, was she from there. ''...the Syndicate.'' It was a simple answer. That's what he wanted to hear. She just hoped he wouldn't ask more questions about it because Timid never truly like to talk about the Syndicate. She kept debating whether she would leave or not, but she knew she wasn't ready. She was just too afraid to be out on her own.

Before he could ask her another question, the feline piped. ''Who are you? You look mighty young to be scouting this territory on your own,'' Her eyes were wide, looking at him with a curious expression. ''You must be really brave...'' To her, he appeared to be. He was living on his own, a young cat without anyone to guide him. Or...was he alone? Perhaps, there were other cats around here that Timid hadn't seen.
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