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Old July 14th, 2017, 05:16 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post

Lostpaw's praise partly surprised the young tom. After all, he had hardly been expecting her to start suddenly talking about how great he was. And, a good deal of the time, he didn't feel perfect. Or amazing. Or awesome. But, she thought he was. For some reason Badgerpaw felt his ears heating up again, warmed under the friendly praise of a cat who thought the world of him all of a sudden.
Well, not really all of a sudden, but he was surprised to hear her speaking like that. Yellow hues lit up with pleasure and he tried to think of some way to respond to her statements. "Wow, Lostpaw, I'm... really flattered you think of me like that, and - I don't know if I tell you I think the world of you enough, but I do. Honestly I do." He mewed, his ears going back just a little bit in embarassment after that. That might have been a little much... too extreme for just a compliment to a friend. But, Badgerpaw really did think the world of Lostpaw. She was his perfect match. It was like he had heard other cats talking about, hearing cats speak about things that didn't always make sense to him.
How could you have a 'perfect match?' But now Badgerpaw knew. Lostpaw was his other half. Losing her again would be like losing a part of him... and it was imperative that he held onto that part of him. He was too scared to let his heart break again like that - so even though the grey cat might never know, he did find himself caring very much for her. At least he believed he did. And... she was pretty. She was so, so pretty.
Beautiful, even. But Badgerpaw wasn't sure whether he would be pointing that out again anytime soon, he didn't want to change things between them... or mess up what they already had. Because he knew the friendship that the two of them shared was a strong bond. A special bond. A bond that he really didn't want broken anytime soon
Lostpaw grinned at his words, feeling a buzz that he thought the world of her. She felt the same about him, but she felt that saying that would overload him with emotions. She could tell he was already quite alarmed and at a loss for words as it was. Her jaws suddenly parted and her ears shifted, and she turned her head towards him as she focused on figuring out exactly where he was. Upon pinpointing his location, she stepped forward and was going to put her nose to his, but was unaware of their height difference.
She was very short compared to him, so she ended up headbutting his chin. "Oh, whoops!" She mewed, stepping back in alarm, "Why do you have to be so tall?" Her flattened her ears in a teasing way, trying to play annoyed but failing to wipe the smile off her face.
Tilting her head to the side, she pretended as if she was admiring her looks as she simply just tried to picture him in her thoughts again. Never in her life would she know what he looks like. That was the worst part about being eyeless. She just wanted to know, to love his appearance as she loved his personality.
"I don't appreciate you growing on me. Makes me feel very short. Maybe because I am short. I always thought I was short. Do you think I'm short? I swear, I got the bum end of the deal with everything. Eyeless, short, horrible mother, awful siblings. Ah, whatever. It worked out in the end. Now I have you. You made me complete."
Lostpaw had to stop rambling, because it clearly ended up with her saying things she shouldn't.
"Lost no. Be happy."