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Old July 17th, 2017, 03:04 PM
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*PoisonFang* *PoisonFang* is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 11
Default Re: One on One? I'm new here :3

It was morning, still early enough that Alessandra would've liked to be asleep. But here she was, wandering around a crowded marketplace. There were vendors everywhere, all selling various items and yelling their wares above the masses of people. She was accompanied by a group of guards, all keeping a safe and respectful distance as the young princess made her way from one stand to another. She was in the village that morning in search of some breakfast, perhaps even some new jewelry. She could have very easily had it served to her, but Alessandra had always loved the marketplace. The smell of fresh bread wafted into her nose, and within minutes she was holding a baguette and taking small bites.
She was to meet her fiancé later that day, but for now she could enjoy the simple village. Sure, the two had met before, but it had been years since Alessandra had stepped foot inside that castle. Glancing around, Alessandra took a moment to admire the village. Although it was crowded and loud, it was happy and warm. Her brown hair shown in the early morning sunlight, bits of caramel dappled through a dark brown sea of waves. Her majesty had chosen a deep purple gown that morning, adorned with gold lace and buttons to match her crown.