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Old July 18th, 2017, 11:01 PM
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Lightbulb Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly View Post
He let Kyran take the lead; basically putting all of his trust in him. It wasnt every day that you meet someone and go out in the forest in the same day. He gazed at the scenery along the path' looking up at the thick trees; few sun rays peeking through that provided dappled patterns around him. He snapped a few shots of the scene; some from above him that shows the thick leaves creating a tunnel pattern, and the side views that shows the old trees along either side of the path; wild flowers and plants that have seem to take over everything. And he snapped a shot infront of him. It was a simple but pretty photo; it showed the backside of Kyran though you could still clearly seem their interwind hands at the very bottom of the shot. In the photo above you could see the shadows of the tree leaves and the pretty beams of sunlight poking through that lit up strands of Kyrans dark hair perfectly. He snapped a few more just incase. When he let go of his hand and took out a pocket knife, looking at the tree Casper grew a bit worried, gripping his camera a bit tighter then usual, but softened when he saw the faded names. "Even if you did m-murder me out here Id have proof." Casper gave a small giggle and only smiled more at the offer,"M-me? Im really flatter Kyran." his smile beamed, showing all of his teeth and making his eyes curve a bit smaller. Gentle taking the knife from his hand he flipped it up, showing the rusty blade. Just to think that all of Kys other close friends had signed their name on the tree, and now it was his turn. His heart swelled as he covered his name in boxy letters, not spelling his name Casper, but instead the nickname 'Cassy'. He turned to Kyran for a moment,"Its a nickname I was called as a kid, you can call me it if youd like. Just dont tell Carmen about it-she'll never left me hear the end of it." He figured since the other guy was basically sharing the source of good memories, he could share something with him that only he could call him. He handed Ky his knife back, switching it closed before turning around and snapping a photo of it. He wanted to remember this.
Flattered? Really? It had only been a sign of friendship, really. All his other friends had scratched their names into it. Perhaps CJ would too if they ever came out here together. Ky nodded and smiled, watching him etch the childish name into the smooth tree bark. When handed the knife, he opened it and reached back around the tree, sticking it back in its place. He took Casper's hand again, leading him just a few more steps before moving more fake trees and leaves out of the way, the sound of rushing water coming up loudly into the muted forest.

In front of them was the sink hole that Ky had described. It was somewhat far down, but a reasonable place to go cliff diving. Across from it, a river that split into a small waterfall, flowing almost endlessly into the pool at the bottom. As promised, the trees around the hole were already turning oranges and reds, some even falling down into the water. There was an old ladder nearby, made of metal, still bolted down and stable, albeit a bit rusty. The water was higher than the last time he'd been there. The sun reflecting off of the water and casting light onto the sides of the hole, the whole scene seemed to have come right out of a movie.

Ky let go of Casper's hand as he lead him forward, stopping to lean against a tree, shoving his hands in his pockets. He smiled softly, remembering the times he'd been there with his friends, with Chi, and now with Casper. He watched the morning sunlight glinting off his glasses, shining through his hair in a way that made some parts look golden. Ky put his had on the tree, tilting it at an angle.

"It's beautiful, no?" He murmured gently, as if any louder would destroy the peace of it all. He was speaking more towards Casper than about the scenery. He looked away towards the falls before Casper could notice.
love looks not with the eyes but with the mind;
and therefore is winged cupid painted blind.
a midsummer night's dream, 1.1
