Thread: July Gathering
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Old July 20th, 2017, 06:12 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Chrysanthemumshade looked towards the leaders, flicking her ears as she heard Pebbleheart introduce his leader and deputy. She nodded, now that she knew their names. ''Ah, Grousestar and Auroraflame.'' She nodded, tilting her head for a moment as she done so. Then, a small smile came onto her maw as she thought about something, but quickly dismissed it. ''I hardly ever pay attention to my...nevermind.'' She shook her head, blinking her eyes. Chrysanthemumshade feared for anyone to truly get to know her. She liked being secret. Not because of the shady clan she was in, but because she learned long ago that being herself was not good enough. Her mother had drained all the power from her, and left her in a shell of what she used to be--of who she wanted to be. Upon his next words, Chrysanthemumshade lightly gave her tail a thump. ''Oh, everything will be fine in Shadowclan--I just know it. But thank you for your concern. You're so kind.'' She smiled at him. ''And, I hope the same for Skyclan. It's nice to be here without tearing each other's throats out, you know?'' She giggled. ''It would be nice if the clans were always like this. Peaceful. Not just on gathering night.'' Chrysanthemumshade was always a benevolent she cat, but she wasn't afraid to fight if she needed to. She just preferred peace over power. Upon his next words, the small feline nodded. ''Same. I wonder what will go on tonight. Seems like everyone is having something peaceful.'' The she cat says, then narrowed her eyes as she took a look at a couple apprentices. ''Except for the troubling making apprentices, that is.'' Even though they weren't doing as they were suppose to, it had warmed Chrysanthemumshade's heart. They were funny, she had to admit. Her ears slightly flattened at his last words, and she turned her head to give her pelt a couple licks. You'd be surprised. She wanted to roll her eyes. Making friends was never easy for her. She always was under the impression that she needed to impress another cat before she could be accepted as their friend. ''Oh, yeah! Plenty friends...'' She giggled, trailing off. ''I'm certainly the life of the party!'' She mewed, turning once back to him with her foresty hues gleaming, and a charming smile placed on her maw. The life of the party? More like the fool of it.
"And that's our Medicine cat, Ebonyfrost." He gestured to the cat with the other medics, his eyes shining. "So, what's Halestar like?" He asked with curiosity, not wanting to intrude on her privacy. Pebbleheart was a VERY nice, respectful cat. Pebbleheart wondered why she was so secretive. Probably not because of her Clan, but because of her own will. He shrugged slightly, unnoticeable to most cats. She seemed a bit sad, until she spoke her next words. "That's good! It'd be a shame if something bad happened to your Clanmates." He mewed. "It's no problem!" He trilled, because it wasn't. He was a naturally kind cat, never one to be rude on purpose and he liked to know everyone was okay. He purred softly, gazing at the leaders. "Would you ever want to be leader?" He asked, his tail twitching as he turned his gaze to Chrysanthemumshade. Pebbleheart chuckled. "Besides from the Syndicate, SkyClan is mostly calm. It gets a bit boring, but I wouldn't leave my Clan for anything." He mewed, puffing his chest out with pride. "Yes, that'd be nice. Not at war or bickering over territory" he said dreamily, wishing the Clans were like that most of the time. Pebbleheart hated violence, and even though he'd fight tooth and claw for his Clan, he found it pointless. "I hope a fight doesn't break out. StarClan wouldn't appreciate that.." he mewed, a tinge of worry in his voice. He gazed where she was, finding a pair of apprentices watching something, looking very amused. "It's youth. Of course they'll try and create chaos for fun." He chuckled, knowing how fun it was to be a slightly-more free apprentice. Even though they were misbehaving, Pebbleheart didn't want to scold them. Who was he to keep them from having fun? In the middle of the tension between the Clans, he found the small cats amusing. Their antics didn't go beyond annoyance of some warriors, so if they didn't set the place on fire, why bother stopping them? He blinked at her statement, confused why she seemed to be amused he said she must've had friends in other Clans. It slightly confused him, but then again he was finding himself very clueless at this gathering. "Okay then.." he mewed, keeping a smile on his maw as he glanced at her. Pleased with her happy look, he smiled back and then turned to the leaders, making sure he wasn't missing anything crucial.
i come back here to be nostalgic like once a year, dont expect much else