Thread: July Gathering
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Old July 25th, 2017, 10:40 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Teza View Post

The dilute she-cate glared at her mother with a playful look when she was bopped. "Yes I know but it's so stuffy in there what with all the rain lately. I had to get out," was all she had to defend herself. She knew her mother didn't mind the company, so she didn't particularly need the defense. "Oh sure don't ask me or Quietdance here if we've seen Dad 'cause you know we live in a fox den and never come out for any reason," she sassed at her brother. She wasn't really upset that he hadn't included her in the conversation but simply wanted to jut in with some sort of smart remark, which she did. "Anyway, I haven't seen him since yesterday. I figured he was staying behind with the border patrol?" She was guessing now. However, she glanced up at Snowstar. "Wait, is she expecting?" The queen glanced at her mother, then guessed the answer as she heard how embarrassingly shaky her voice got all of a sudden. Heat raised in her pelt as she realized this, and the queen simply scooched a bit closer to her mother. Maybe she wouldn't swipe her ear again if she acted cute, though that wasn't likely to happen.

The she-cat then looked to her mate and smiled. "Quietdance if you want to, you don't have to watch over me here. There's a truce between the clans, remember? And besides, Honeythistle's here as well as Mom," she said, though the more she spoke the more she sounded like she wanted him to go away, which was the last thing she wanted. "Never mind..." The dilute queen smiled at him, trying to get him to realize she didn't mean to sound, well mean.
Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Honeythistle happily took the seat next to his mother, facing the crowd, but always kept his eyes upon his eldest kits that attended. Though he couldn't find Royalflash, which was okay for the time being, he supposed. He had purred at his mother's voice, picking up one of his paws to give it a delicate lick. The tom let out a laugh. A mix between a snort and a chuckle. ''Dad is one of the most judgmental cats we know.'' And, this was true. Honeythistle had looked up to his father as a kit, had tried his hardest to impress his father as he grew older. The one he didn't need to impress was his mother. After all, they were all loved by their mother. As his sister spoke, the tom gave a mischievous smirk towards her. ''Oh wow! I didn't even see you there!'' His tone was a bit over-exeraggerated, but he also knew how much his sister loved to toy with him. And, if he were being honest, the tom enjoyed the company of his family more than others. ''I don't think anybody wouldn't notice you, Feathermist. You have the most annoying voice. Ever.'' Honeythistle shot at her, giving her a charming smile. Even though they were older, who said they were too old for games? Thinking of his sons now, the tom shook his head. Now, he understood why they were so terrible. The tom turned his attention back to the leaders. ''I expect that no good leader of Thunderclan to be pregnant. Unless she's just picking up weight.'' He rolled his eyes, laughing.

Quietdance flicked his eyes towards the leaders, almost about to settle down next to his mate, until he heard her words. Which had quite surprised him in a manner. Perhaps, if she wanted him to leave, he would do that. The tom actually had gotten up, about to give her a curt nod. It was known that Quietdance hardly talked. Honeythistle found the other tom quite odd since he hardly said anything. ''How did you and that creep even end up together?'' The maine coon muttered, but only so his mother and sister could hear. Of course, Quietdance heard this, but he refused to acknowledge the presence of the male. Instead, he turned away flicking his tail, hearing her words that she did want him to stay, but the tom was fine with leaving. He didn't say anything much in the first place, and all he did was listen. So, he stepped away from the family of three, and turned his attention to the leaders on the rock.

!! Offensive content !!

(Sorry this took so long you guys >>; )

It did sadden the queen to be without her mate although her children were correct that he was very judgmental, but so was she. With a click of her tongue, the Maine-coon pressed herself between her two kits, the warmth from all their long pelts comforting her aching muscles. "I'm starting to get too old to trek to these gatherings." She huffed as she shook her head slightly. It was true that she was getting old, but by no means was she so tired because she was old. Though, she would never admit that it was from taking care of all her kits that was running her to her death, the amount of abuse her body had taken for almost seventy moons was taking it's toll as well. "Thunderclan will learn soon enough that they picked the wrong cat to lead them. I don't know if their deputy would be fit to lead either though. Starclan help them." It was a blunt statement, but she truly felt bad for the cats of Thunderclan. They would be lost with two irresponsible, fake leaders. At least Snowstar was following her true path and becoming a queen.

Giving both of her kits a dangerous look, she couldn't help but chuckle and nip at both their ears in response to the two of them bickering. "I swear Honeythistle, you're still such a kit. You too, Feathermist!" Of course, her tone was bubbling with humour and her eyes glazed over with affection as she gazed at each one for a brief moment. Although Cedar hated playing favorites, she did admire the two a bit more than most of their siblings. The two of them gave time and affection to her and it gave her nothing but joy to see the two of them getting along now. She knew that Feathermist and Honeythistle loved to antagonize each other, so seeing them at least progress from kitten fights to sibling jabs was a step in the right direction.

The queen shuffled her paws, tucking them neatly underneath her body as she twisted and offered her attention to Quietdance. While she did like him, he was quite strange as Honeythistle had very rudely mentioned. Flicking him with the tip of her tail, Cedartuft gave him "the look." You know, the look that a mother would give her kit when they misbehaved in public - that look. "Quietdance is a very sophisticated and nice cat. Be nice to him, Honeythistle." Cedartuft scolded gently before continuing on, "At least Snowstar is learning her place is in the nursery, unlike some other leaders..." Her voice was no louder than a whisper, making sure that only her kits could hear her, as she eyed up Russetstar making their way up onto Seastones. Had anyone else heard the queen, they would be at her neck with teeth bared defending the leader.

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Last edited by Dust; July 25th, 2017 at 10:43 PM.