Thread: July Gathering
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Old July 26th, 2017, 03:49 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Gusty View Post
Blizzardfoot nodded. The other she-cat had said her last statement under her breath, and she could hardly decipher what was said. Oh, well. If it was really important, then Snowfall would've said it louder, right? Blizzardfoot shrugged it off.

There seemed to be a momentary pause in the conversation, where neither of them knew what to say. Blizzardfoot felt uncomfortable in the brief silence- even though it only lasted a few seconds- and needed to fill it up.

"So... it's greenleaf, the hottest time of the year. Do you like it?" Before Snowfall could reply, Blizzardfoot inserted her own opinion. "Personally, I think that it's too warm outside. The only time it's comfortable is during nightfall, like now. But at least there's a lot of prey." She shrugged. "Hunting is easiest now."

((/if I remember correctly greenleaf is summer?not quite sure))
(Yes, you got Greenleaf right)

Snowfall waited for Blizzardfoot's opinion before answering. "I agree that the most comfortable weather in Greenleaf is at nightfall, but I favor Newleaf more than Greenleaf, actually," she replied, swiping her tongue over her paw and drawing it over her ear, "It is a time of hope and new life, plus prey is plentiful during that time as well." The ThunderClan warrior was happy that Blizzardfoot broke the awkward silence; the she-cat was not good at breaking them herself. "Hey, would you like to be friends?" She suddenly asked. She would make a fine comrade, she thought.
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