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Old July 26th, 2017, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Evacuation

Originally Posted by Teza View Post

[Warning, offensive phrasing/beliefs below]

A heavily pregnant Feathermist, fear racing through her entire body, walked as fast as she could without slipping in the mud and water beneath her paws. She glanced around, searching for anyone she knew, her mother or mate preferably, but as long as she knew them it would be perfectly fine. "Great Starclan where did all this rain come from?!" she hissed aloud. The Maine-coon she-cat's coat was caked to her sides with water and mud, and she hoped that her kits were okay as she kept moving, still searching for anyone she may know. Secretly she hoped that it would be one of her family members she spotted first, as any of the undesirables' help would not be accepted by her. She was much too proud for that. If Feathermist had to, she would walk all the way to the twoleg place before she allowed any cat that wasn't cis gendered or heterosexual to help her.
As rain continued to pour from the dark skies above, Aspenfall couldn't help but feel get a sinking feeling in his chest: StarClan was not happy with the Clans. It was evident by the sliding walls of mud and the collapsed dens that this was the first of many signs to be sent their way. If we don't change soon, then all the territories will be washed away! he thought, panic fluttering in his chest like a caged bird. The giant flood had not been expected, though the rain had been relentless the past few days. He could sense the Clan had grown wary with each passing day, and now with their entire home crumbling around them, a deep terror seemed to clutch Aspenfall's heart in it's icy death grip.

Quickly, his pale green gaze swept across camp, narrowed against the harsh wind that scattered debris all over what once was the ShadowClan clearing. Most cats seemed to be managing the sludge fine, and the stronger warriors were helping those lest physically prepared get to higher ground. His eyes landed on a familiar face, and quickly the tom leaped into action. "Feathermist!" he called, the rain almost drowning out his call as he trudged through the mud, his fur sticking like a rag to his sides. Once he reached his older sister's side, the younger tom did a quick once-over, making sure that her and the kits were all right. "Where is Quietdance?" he asked, looking around to see if he could spot his sister's mate. He wasn't anywhere to be found, however, so the ShadowClan warrior turned his attention back to helping Feathermist. "Here. We need to get to higher ground," he told her, using his shoulder to help support a majority of her weight. He glanced at her, green eyes sparkling with worry. "You ready?" he asked, hoping that he would be able to get them both out and up to the territory, making himself available to come back to camp and help anyone else that needed it.

Last edited by spade; July 26th, 2017 at 10:00 PM.